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The Dr. Barbara Carey-Shuler Student Success Center

We are Student Success Champions

The Student Success Center is guided by three principles with the intent of fully affecting change and developing a mindset in pedagogy, service, and leadership.

In alignment with the College’s Strategic Plan, the Center leads the institution in research, development, and implementation of high impact practices supporting successful outcomes for all students. 

  • Engage: Proactively conduct and utilize research and data analysis that drives the direction and best practices leading to institutional change that results in success for students.
  • Excel: Intentionally design programs that empower students through their own learning, and partner with students to meet their academic, personal, and professional goals.
  • Expand: Authentically integrate practices that will help the College shift from the traditional focus on access to a broader focus on access and completion.





Dr. Barbara Carey-Shuler is a local philanthropist and former longtime educator and elected official in Florida. She made a generous gift to PBSC to start the Dr. Barbara Carey-Shuler Student Success Center. The Center focuses on addressing issues around increasing access, retention, and completion, which has become a prolific part of the national dialogue in higher education.

Dr. Carey-Shuler invites the community to designate their gifts to one of two funds:  the institute's General Operating Fund or the Institute's Student Scholarship & Support Fund.

  Give Now to the Student Success Center


  • All students are ready for college, no matter their pathway to our doors (McNair, 2016).
  • Equity is defined as the point at which a specific group’s representation across all majors, programs, honors, and more at the institution, is equal to the group’s representation in the student body. Therefore, if first-generation college students make up 25% of the student body, they should also make up 25% of the Dean’s List (Bensimonn, 2012).
  • Equal is still not enough. All students can thrive and achieve their academic, personal, and professional goals when institutions intentionally design programming to support all students (Astin, 1991).

Student Success

Student Success is a cornerstone of the Center as demonstrated in the activities, strategic planning and hosted events.

A central home for college-wide programs, the Student Success Center provides essential academic and personal guidance that targets, supports, and impacts individuals demonstrating deficits in retention and graduation rates. We seek to identify the potential causes of the disparity in achievement and create interventions to increase the achievement of all students. Through the implementation of responsive pedagogy and high impact practices, the Student Success Center strives to:

  • Increase the rates of retention and graduation.
  • Conduct action research and craft the most-appropriate strategies within teaching-learning environments.
  • Track and follow cohorts of students to monitor success.
  • Establish precollegiate and mentoring programs.
The Summer Bridge program is a two-week college transition program designed to prepare first-generation college students with a smooth transition from high school to Palm Beach State College. It includes self-assessments, college readiness workshops, fun cultural enrichment activities, and meaningful faculty, staff, and peer networking opportunities.  Learn More


Contact Us

Karline S. Prophete, PhD
Director, Dr. Barbara Carey-Shuler Student Success Center
Phone: 561-868-3875

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