2015 IEECE Newsletter
June 2015 • Issue 1
Class Title: Improved Teaching Practices |
Bridget Booth From Director to Business Owner - former director reflects on journey to fulfilling her dream. Bridget Booth has more than |
What You Need to Know about ACHIEVE
Click "PLAY" on the image to view the ACHIEVE Introduction video. |
LEADERSHIP CORNER The Institute of Excellence in Early Care |
OTHER EXCITING NEWS ESOL Students Celebrate Accomplishments
August 2015 • Issue 2
What You Need to Know about Our STEAM Initiative
Class Title: CLASS 2 - Instructional Support |
Children's work on display at the Tinkering to Learn with STEAM When children tinker, they strengthen their innate creativity and learn important
STEAM concepts. |
LEADERSHIP CORNER What does reflective practice look like? Best practices in instructional support for
children include asking "why" and "how" questions to guide reflection, analyze and
evaluate learning and play, and deepen understanding. |
OTHER EXCITING NEWS Math Tutoring Cohort
October 2015 • Issue 3
GET READY TO GROW! Behavior Management I |
Career Advisor Christina Barone A New Advising Pilot Career advisors are now coming to your training to provide you with enrollment, scholarship
and ACHIEVE information! And, it all happens right outside of the classroom door.
What You Need to Know about Communities of Practice
Click "PLAY" on the image to view the Communities of Practice video. |
LEADERSHIP CORNER Get an update on the growth of the Early Childhood Leaders Community Practice, first
featured in our December 2013 edition. |
The Early Childhood Education Bulletin is produced by the Institute of Excellence
in Early Care and Education.
If you would like to contribute to this newsletter, submit your news/photos to wildgooj@palmbeachstate.edu.
Director: Dr. Grace Kolbe Editor: Janell Carroll