Panther's Voice
Panther Care Team
Palm Beach State College provides a team and process for the purposes of assessment and intervention regarding students demonstrating behavior that is concerning, disruptive, abusive, threatening or violent. To be referred to as concerning behaviors for the purposes of this policy and procedure. Early identification of concerning behavior and intervention strategies supports the developmental approach used in all aspects of our student conduct process by helping students address negative behaviors to further their academic success.
Team Members
The College behavioral intervention/threat assessment team is an interdisciplinary,
collaborative team that develops individualized assessments and intervention plans
for students demonstrating concerning, behaviors on any campus location.
The core team includes representatives from each campus Dean of Student Services Office, Director of Student Wellbeing, Chief of Security and Risk Management, Title IX Coordinator, Direct of Student Life, Student Conduct Coordinator and two representatives from the faculty. The committee is co-chaired by the Director of Student Life and the Title IX Coordinator.
Members of the team participate in training through NABITA, the National Association
for Behavioral and Intervention and Threat Assessment. The assessment tool used is
the NABITA Risk Rubric.
Fostering a culture of reporting on campus is important to maintaining a safe and respectful leaning environment. The intent is for behaviors of concern to be reported early so that intervention strategies can be up in place to support a student in need and keep them on track towards attaining their educational goals. | Report concerning behaviors
The campus Dean of Student Services or designee is responsible for addressing violations of the Student Code of Conduct as listed under the Student Handbook. Need to report a Student Code of Conduct violation? Please submit that report here.
Accessibility and 504 Concerns
Palm Beach State College is an equal access equal opportunity institution.
The College complies with all state and federal laws granting rights to applicants for employment or admission to the College, employees, and students.
The College prohibits unlawful discrimination on the basis of race, color, creed, ethnicity, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, marital status, veteran status, disability, genetic information, or pregnancy status in any of its employment, or educational programs or activities.
Harassment of any kind, including sexual harassment, is prohibited.
If a student believes that he or she has been subjected to discrimination or harassment based on their disability, they may file a complaint online. Report an ADA/504 concern
For more information on Accessibility, please visit the Center for Student Accessibility's web page.
Final Course Grade Appeal
The evaluation of academic work is the responsibility of the faculty member. The method for assigning the final course grade is established by the faculty member.
Criteria for an appeal are: An error in the calculation of the grade or the assignment of a grade was a substantial departure from the faculty member's previously printed standards in the course syllabus.
Where do I start?
Speak to or email your professor and share your concern. If you are not satisfied
with the outcome use the appropriate form below to submit a formal complaint. Create a Final Grade Appeal
For more information:
Option 1: Consult your course syllabus. This can be found by searching for your Professor by Last name in the College directory and going to their webpage.
Option 2: Consult our grade appeal policy and procedure.
Option 3: Consult your Student Handbook.
Pregnancy | Parenting | Harassment | Misconduct | Title IX
Students experiencing issues related to sexual misconduct, sexual harassment, pregnancy and/or parenting have access to services and support through the Title IX Coordinator. Whether these issues result from inappropriate actions on the part of another student or a staff or faculty member, you have rights
Where do I start?
File a complaints against another student | File a complaints against faculty or staff | Pregnancy/Parenting Supportive Measures Request Form
For more information:
Option 1: Visit the PBSC Title IX website.
Option 2: Consult with the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) -How the Office for Civil Rights Handles Complaints
Option 3: Consult PBSC Board of Trustee policies
Option 4: Consult your Student Handbook.
Safety & Security Concerns on Campus
Palm Beach State College maintains security on all five campuses. The department consists of trained, non-sworn personnel who maintain security and administrative operations. They respond to accidents and incidents on campus property to document the incident and provide resource information.
Palm Beach State works hard to maintain a culture of reporting, or a See Something/Say Something atmosphere on campus.
5 campuses - one phone number: 561-868-3600
Learn more by visiting the Security website
Student Complaint/Grievance Process
Palm Beach State College recognizes that sometimes a student feels unfairly treated or would like further clarification of a rule or policy. We want to assist you with these concerns.
This complaint procedure applies to any complaint other than those listed below.
- Complaints related to discrimination or harassment of students based on disability, race, color, national origin, gender, pregnancy or any other protected status, see Policy 6Hx18-5.86.
- Final Course Grade Appeal, see Student Handbook, Academic Policies.
- Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy for Financial Aid Recipients
- Student Records Amendment Appeal Process, contact the Registrar Office to arrange a hearing.
- Refund/Late Withdraw Request, see Student Handbook, Financial Information section.
- Appeal of the 100 Percent Payment of Full Cost of Instruction, see Student Handbook, Academic Policies.
- Conduct Appeal, see Student Handbook, Formal Conduct Hearing section.
Informal Complaint Process
Students are encouraged to reach out to the appropriate first point of contact. See
the Student Handbook for the contact list. The College also has an Ombudsman to guide students in resolving conflicts and in processing appeals through established
Formal Complaint Process
Any student whose complaint has not been resolved through the informal process can
complete and submit a Student Problem Resolution Form. (To be considered a written student complaint, a student must submit a formal complaint
utilizing the form. This excludes reports regarding Title IX and discrimination/harassment.
These reports can be submitted in any format.)
Once the form is submitted, the case is assigned to the appropriate administrator within two (2) business days.
Within three (3) business days of being assigned the complaint, the administrator will contact the student to review and clarify the complaint, identify a course of action and time frame for resolution and provide their contact information. Complaints should be resolved within thirty calendar days; students will be notified if this time frame needs to be extended and the reason for the extension. The student will be notified in writing as to the final outcome of the complaint. The decision of the administrator is final.
Formal complaints involving a member of the Faculty will be resolved using the process outlined in the Collective Bargaining Agreement.
Distance Learning/Online Learning Complaint Process
In compliance with United States Department of Education regulations, follow this link for information about filing consumer complaints.