Congratulations Class of 2024
Class of 2024: You've reached a significant milestone in your academic journey, and we had a fantastic time celebrating your hard work, dedication, and perseverance. As you embark on this new chapter of your life, remember that the world is full of endless possibilities to explore.
You've overcome challenges, embraced opportunities, and grown in ways you may not have imagined possible. Each step you've taken has prepared you for the adventures that lie ahead.
Congratulations once again, Class of 2024. The world is yours for the taking.
Spring 2025 Commencement Planning is Underway!
Please stay tuned for additional updates, including the ceremony date and information.
Note: Regalia distribution will begin approximately 3 weeks before the ceremony.
Recordings of Fall 2024 Ceremonies
4pm Ceremony
Commencement Book & Photos
GradImages Fall 2024 Commencement Photos: Photo production turnaround is typically 7-10 business days. If graduates have questions about their photos, how to preview and/or order they can contact GradImages Customer Service Department at 800-261-2576, online at, or email The graduation office does not have information about photo orders; contact GradImages directly.
And don't forget to check out our flickr album with photos from the event: Noon Ceremony | 4 p.m. Ceremony
Information for Graduates
Graduation Requirements & Diploma Information
All students must fulfill the general criteria to graduate from the College, regardless of the degree or certificate they will receive.
The final responsibility for meeting the requirements for graduation rests with the student.
If the student is in doubt about course, program or College requirements, the student should contact an academic advisor for clarification and guidance.
Students also are encouraged to periodically check their academic progress located in Workday to verify the status of their degree requirements.
For a detailed outline of all the requirements for graduation please see the College Catalog Academic Policies section.
The minimum requirement for all students is as follows:
- Satisfy all outstanding obligations, financial or otherwise, to the College.
- Ensure all required official and complete high school and postsecondary transcripts have been received by the College.
- Complete at least 25 percent of the degree program at Palm Beach State, also known as “courses in residence” (no relationship to in-state resident tuition). Transfer coursework, credits-by-exam, and credits for prior learning cannot be used to satisfy the course residency requirement.
- Complete required program-specific General Education courses with a grade of C or higher.
- Complete all course requirements as specified in the program of study published in the effective catalog.
- Earn a program of study grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or higher.
- Satisfy the Foreign Language Requirement.
- Satisfy the Civic Literacy Competency Requirement (including the FCLE) as determined by the academic term of entry.
To check to see if you have met all your degree requirements:
Step 1: Login to Workday
Step 2: Go to your picture in the top right corner of the page
- Select the Academics tab
- Click on Academic Progress
All areas in coursework should show Satisfied or In Progress. If not, please contact your academic advisor.
Who can I speak to if I want to ensure that I have met all my requirements to graduate?
If you want to check your status or have additional questions, contact your academic advisor for assistance at least 15 business days before the end of the academic term.
Academic Advisors can be contacted for assistance through:
- Navigate
- Virtually through our advising queues.
- Visiting one of our five campus locations for in-person assistance. | View Hours
No application is required to graduate.
Information on how to RSVP for the ceremony will be added to website as information becomes available.
The State of Florida requires students to meet a Civic Literacy requirement to graduate with an Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, or bachelor’s degree. To meet this requirement, a student must take and pass POS1041 Introduction to American Government or AMH2020 U.S. History after 1865 to present and as applicable the Florida Civic Literacy Exam (FCLE).
Is Civic Literacy a Graduation Requirement?
Yes. A student seeking an Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, or bachelor’s degree
will have to demonstrate competency before being awarded a degree.
Who should take the Florida Civic Literacy Exam (FCLE)?
Prior to the award of an Associate in Arts (A.A.) or baccalaureate degree any student
entering a Florida College System institution in the 2018-19 school year, and thereafter
must demonstrate competency in civic literacy before graduation.
In Fall of 2022, and thereafter, students receiving an Associate in Arts (A.A.) Associate in Science (A.S.)/ Associate in Applied Science (A.A.S) or baccalaureate degree must also demonstrate civic literacy competency.
How do I meet the Civic Literacy requirement?
Beginning in 2022-23, both an assessment and a course are required to meet the civic
literacy competency requirements for A.A., A.S. and baccalaureate students. There
are a few options to meet the course and assessment options:
Course Requirements — Students must successfully pass one of the following with a grade of C or higher:
AMH 2020: United States History from 1877 to Present
POS 1041: American National Government
Civic Literacy assessment options and standard scores:
- Florida Civic Literacy Examination (FCLE) – Score of 48 (or higher) out of 80 (at least 60%)
- CLEP American Government – Score of 50 (or higher) out of 80 (Will satisfy both course and assessment)
- AP American Government – Score of 3 (or higher) out of 5 (Will satisfy both course and assessment)
- AP United States History – Score of 4 (or higher) out of 5
When should I take the Florida Civic Literacy Examination (FCLE)?
The exam should be taken before a student’s final semester but no later than 15 business
days before the end of the academic term. This is to ensure that the student’s degree
can be awarded on the College’s conferral date for the term. Students who take the
FCLE after this window may not have their degree conferred until the end of the next
academic term and may not be able to participate in the ceremony.
How can I prepare for the Florida Civic Literacy Examination (FCLE)?
PBSC is offering several ways to support students to prepare for the FCLE.
Check out the many resources we have available to assist you in preparing to take
your exam, By enrolling in our Graduation Awaits Canvas Course. Click here to self-enroll and access the course materials. Log into the canvas shell and complete
a short survey to let us know if you (a) would attend the FREE FCLE bootcamp or (b)
can study on your own and plan to pass the FCLE.
The Library Learning Resources Centers offers a libguide to support students in understanding the requirements and help with preparation to
pass the exam.
Additional resources to support you.
- Florida Civic Literacy Examination (FCLE) Sample Items
- Supplemental Guide for the Florida Civic Literacy Examination
- FCLE Online Practice Test - You will have to take the practice exam as a guest. You cannot create your own account in the practice system. A score will not be provided at the end of the test. The answers to all online practice questions can be found in the FCLE Sample Items PDF document.
What does the FCLE cover?
The FCLE assesses students' civic literacy competency. It includes 80 multiple-choice
questions and four domains with 20 questions in each section (American Democracy,
United States Constitution, Founding Documents, and Landmark Impact on Law and Society).
The passing score for the FCLE is 60%.
For PBSC students, the first exam is free. Should a retake be needed, a $10 fee would apply. For non-PBSC students, a fee of $10 will apply and thereafter. View testing fees.
Candidates can attempt an unlimited number of exams. Students cannot retest on the same day of taking this exam.
How do I take the test?
Students should speak with an academic advisor before contacting the testing center
to schedule an appointment.
Students can make an appointment to take the exam in the testing center using the College’s website.
For PBSC students, the first exam is free. Should a retake be needed, a $10 fee would apply. View testing fees.
Candidates can attempt an unlimited number of exams. Students cannot retest on the same day of taking this exam.
If you want to check your status or have additional questions, contact your academic advisor for assistance by either:
- Navigate
- Virtually through our advising queues.
- Visiting one of our five campus locations for in-person assistance. | View Hours
What if I complete my requirements in the Summer academic term. Can I participate
in Spring commencement?
All Summer term program completers are invited to the Fall commencement ceremony.
As a courtesy, students who have met all graduation requirements and have 6 or less credits remaining and have registered for the remaining courses, may RSVP and participate in the Spring ceremony.
Note: This policy may change from term to term based on the size of the graduating class and the venue hosting the ceremony.
If I have more than 6 credits and will complete my classes in the Summer term, may
I participate in Spring Commencement?
Due to capacity limitations at venues students with 7 or more credits may not participant
in the Spring commencement ceremony. All Summer term program completers are invited
to the Fall commencement ceremony.
If I participate in the Spring Commencement ceremony and do not complete my program
until the Summer academic term, will my name appear in the Spring commencement booklet?
Summer graduates will appear in the Fall Commencement booklet. If a Summer term completer
RSVP's by the deadline date, every effort will be made to include them in the booklet
but this is not a guarantee of inclusion.
Diploma information
Palm Beach State College provides all graduates with one courtesy degree or certificate. In addition, a digital copy will be made available to you.
- Your full legal name, EXACTLY as it appears in Workday, will be on your diploma. Please review for spelling, capitalization, incorrect suffixes, etc. and make corrections before the end of the semester. Palm Beach State College will not be responsible for incorrect spelling, capitalization, incorrect suffixes, etc.
- Any changes to your legal name need to be submitted in Workday as soon as possible. (Documentation for legal name changes is required)
- Palm Beach State College cannot guarantee your correct name will be reflected on your degree if the request is submitted 15 business days before degree conferral or if it has already occurred.
- Please do not place an order for your diploma. It will be automatically mailed to the address on file in Workday.
- Confirm your mailing address is correct in Workday; PBSC is not responsible for undeliverable diplomas. (Requests for replacement diplomas will be charged $50/each by our third-party vendor)
- Transcripts are the official proof of degree conferral – if an employer or school is requesting verification of your degree, please confirm if they want a transcript or diploma before placing an order.
Financial holds prevent grades, transcripts, and diplomas from being released.
Transcripts reflect your degree has been conferred and can be ordered online. Your credentials (degrees and certificates) will be reflected on transcripts upon conferral.
When will I receive my certificate or diploma?
Diplomas are not distributed at the ceremony. It takes about 8-12 weeks to confer degrees and prepare them for all program completers. Once the certificates and diplomas are ready, they will be mailed via the United States Postal Service to the address on file in your student Workday record. Palm Beach State College is not responsible for diplomas that are lost, damaged, or not delivered due to an incomplete or incorrect mailing address.
- Fall Graduates should anticipate receiving their certificate or diploma no later than the last day of March.
- Spring Graduates should anticipate receiving their certificate or diploma no later than the last day of August.
- Summer Graduates should anticipate receiving their certificate or diploma no later than the last day in October.
Where will my diploma be sent?
Diplomas will be sent to the mailing address that is in your Workday Student portal.
If your address has changed, please update it within 7 business days of your degree
conferral. This ensures that your certificate or diploma will be delivered to you.
I need to prove that I have completed my program for another school or my employer,
How do I prove that I have graduated?
Should an employer or future school need proof that you graduated before you have
received your diploma, you can order an official transcript that will reflect your
awarded degree. Official transcripts will reflect your program of study completion/conferral
date. Employers and other schools usually want your official transcript, and not a
copy of your diploma.
Transcripts are the official proof of degree conferral. You may order the record now and select-hold for degree and the record will be sent on your behalf as soon as the degree is posted to your academic record.
Degree posting can take up to 7 days after the conferral date.
Transcripts can be requested via our credentialing service, Parchment. It will require you to provide your personal information as well as the recipient of the transcript. Orders are usually fulfilled within 1-3 business days. Please visit the transcripts web page for more information.
I did not receive my certificate or diploma, what should I do?
If it has been more than 6 months since the anticipated date for the receipt of your degree, you may order a new diploma via our credentialing partner, Parchment.
- Fall Graduates should anticipate receiving their certificate or diploma no later than the last day of March.
- Spring Graduates should anticipate receiving their certificate or diploma no later than the last day of August.
- Summer Graduates should anticipate receiving their certificate or diploma no later than the last day in October.
I moved and my diploma was not forwarded to me, what should I do?
Palm Beach State College is not responsible for diplomas that are lost, damaged, or not delivered due to an incomplete or incorrect mailing address.
Diplomas returned to Palm Beach State College will be held in the graduation office on the Lake Worth campus for 6 months. You may email the graduation office to inquire if your diploma has been returned as undeliverable.
Any unclaimed diplomas or any diplomas returned as undeliverable by the USPS will be discarded after 6 months and must be reordered with full payment.
If it has been less than 6 months, please contact the graduation office for assistance.
I want to have multiple certificates/diplomas; how can I order them?
Once you have received the courtesy degree and confirmed all the information is correct.
you may place an order for a duplicate diploma here: Parchment
Once your degree or certificate is conferred (posted) on your academic transcript your program status will be changed to non-degree seeking. Non-degree-seeking students are not financial aid eligible.
If you plan to pursue an additional degree or certificate, a program of study change through Workday will be required. This change can be made in advance to be effective for the next academic term.
Not submitting a change of program may have an adverse impact on your eligibility for financial aid.
Students are encouraged to speak with an academic advisor to understand their next steps and options to continue their studies.
How do I submit a program of study change?
Students can submit a program of study change in Workday. Please use this link for instructions to submit the form. It will require you to sign in using your PBSC credentials. Requests
are processed in the order received and can take 15-20 business days to process. If
you need assistance, please contact Admissions.
Can I take classes as a non-degree-seeking student?
Yes, you can take classes as a non-degree-seeking student. Students who are non-degree
seeking are not eligible to receive financial aid.
Can I still take classes using the degree that was just conferred instead of being
non-degree seeking?
Once a degree is conferred, students without a program of study change become non-degree
seeking and no additional classes will be used for that conferred degree. Students
can declare a new program of study or take courses as a non-degree-seeking student.
You are encouraged to speak with an Academic Advisor regarding your next steps.
I am applying to a limited access program and need to take some pre-requisite courses;
can I use that program objective?
Students can not declare a limited access program as their program of study. The
student must apply and be accepted to a limited-access program. If a student needs
to take additional courses, they can take them as non-degree-seeking student. You
are encouraged to speak with an Academic Advisor regarding your next steps.
Graduation Office
Share Your Accomplishment
Use these hashtags: #PBSCgrad and #PBSCgrad2024
Be sure to hashtag your photos, videos & stories so we can repost and share your accomplishment with the world.