Final Course Grade Appeal
The evaluation of academic work is the responsibility of the faculty member. The method
for assigning the final course grade is established by the faculty member. Per Board Policy 6Hx-18-3.191, faculty shall communicate the grading policy of the course to their students in
writing via the course syllabus at the beginning of each class. If there are changes
to the syllabus, the faculty member should be issuing an addendum, which becomes part
of the syllabus.
The final course grade appeal is NOT to be used to review the judgment of a faculty member in assessing the quality of the student's work. Grounds for final grade appeals shall be evaluated in terms of the standards established by the faculty member as stated in the syllabus. Criteria for an appeal are:
a) An error in the calculation of the grade, or
b) The assignment of a grade was a substantial departure from the faculty member's previously printed standards in the course syllabus.
Final Course Grade Appeal Process
If a student believes their final course grade was awarded in error or was a substantial departure from the standards contained in the course syllabus, the student should contact the instructor via email immediately after the final course grade appears on their transcript. (Grades posted to Blackboard or Canvas are not considered final. All informal discussions about final grades must be initiated within 5 business days beginning with the first day of the following academic semester, Fall or Spring. The timeline is very important. If the professor is not available, the student should contact the professor's supervisor. The student should keep copies of the class syllabus and all other work such as exams, quizzes, homework, and in-class assignments. If a resolution is not reached, the student may ask for a formal review of the final grade. Students requiring ADA accommodations need to contact the Center for Accessibility Services to coordinate support throughout the conduct process.
Request for a Formal Review of Final Course Grade Process
- A request for a formal review must be submitted via the Request for a Formal Review of Final Course Grade to the faculty member's associate dean (or equivalent or designee) within 15 business days of the beginning of the following academic semester. A written request for a formal review of final course grade is required and must
a) The specific complaint, clearly stated.
b) All relevant course information including syllabus, exams, homework and other graded work.
c) A statement of the resolution that the student is seeking. - Within ten (10) business days of receipt of the student's appeal, the Associate Dean (or equivalent or designee) will review the request and notify
the student, faculty member and Dean of Academics of their decision through the College
- If the student does not agree with the decision in Step 2, the student may appeal
to the Campus Final Course Grade Appeal Committee by submitting a Final Course Grade
Appeal. The student must articulate, in writing, the specific reason(s) they disagree
with the outcome of the Associate Dean’s (or equivalent or designee) decision. The
appeal must be to the committee chairperson within five (5) business days following
the receipt of the Associate Dean’s (or equivalent or designee) decision. Within fifteen
(15) business days of the receipt of the student’s appeal, the committee chairperson
will convene the committee.
- The committee will review the student's reasons (s) and any relevant documentation to decide by majority vote whether there is sufficient evidence to require a formal hearing.
- If no formal hearing is required, the Associate Dean's (or equivalent or designee) decision will stand, and the committee chairperson will inform the Dean of Academics who will then inform the student and faculty member.
- If the committee decides that there is sufficient evidence to hold a formal hearing, the committee chairperson will notify all the hearing participant by college email.
- The student, faculty member, and Associate dean (or equivalent or designee) may appear before the committee. Within five (5) business days of the committee hearing, the chairperson will notify the Dean of Academics of the committee's written recommendations.
- Within five (5) business days of receipt of the Committee's recommendation, the Dean of Academics will notify the student, faculty member, associate dean (or equivalent or designee) of their decision through the College email. The decision of the Dean of Academics is FINAL and cannot be appealed.
- The Dean of Academics may extend any of the timelines specified above if extenuating
circumstances makes this necessary.
Please click the link below to submit a final course grade appeal
Request for a Formal Review of Final Course Grade
- Student Problem Resolution Form
- Student Handbook
- Committee Recommendation Form for Final Grade Appeal
Campus Final Course Grade Appeal Committee:
Who will be on the committee?
The campus academic dean shall select the members for the Campus Final Course Grade Appeals Committee. If a campus has Health Sciences and/or Public Safety programs, the campus academic dean shall also select the members for a Final Course Grade Appeals Committee for each of these program areas.
Unless otherwise required by program accreditation, the committee shall be composed of five persons including two students, two faculty, and one administrator. In addition, alternates may be identified. Faculty, staff, and students who are directly involved in the case may not serve on the committee. The academic dean shall select one of the committee members to serve as chairperson.
What role will the chairperson have on the committee?
- Facilitate the hearing process, only voting in case of tie.
- Call the hearing to order and introduce all members present.
- Explain to the student and all participants the way the hearing will be conducted.
- Maintain proper decorum and order.
- Ensure that the student and the faculty have the opportunity to testify and present evidence.
- Ensure that all available relevant evidence is presented and that the recommendation is based upon the appeal criteria, evidence, and any testimony given.
- Call a recess at her/his discretion.
What will happen during the hearing?
- Opening remarks will be given by the chairperson.
- The student will present any evidence supporting the appeal.
- Faculty will present their evidence regarding the grade.
- A participant may direct questions through the chairperson only; no direct questioning will occur.
- At the conclusion of the hearing, the participants will be excused, and in closed session, a recommendation will be rendered by a majority vote.
How will the committee make its recommendation?
The process for determining the outcome of the hearing is called deliberation. This process involves a review of the criteria, evidence and testimony, discussion, and a vote. The committee will use the preponderance of evidence standard to determine whether the grade should stand or be changed. The chairperson will ensure that only evidence presented at the hearing itself may be considered in reaching a decision and that the committee adheres to the standards of confidentiality. A recommendation will be delivered via College email within five business days to the campus academic dean.
How will the dean of academic affairs notify all their decision?
Within five business days of receipt of the Final Course Grade Appeals Committee’s recommendation, the campus academic dean will notify the student, faculty, and committee chairperson through College email of their decision. The decision of the campus academic dean is final.