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The College will be closed for Spring Break from March 3 - 7, 2025.

Student Assessment of Courses and Faculty

Course evaluations provide students with an opportunity to express their views about their classes and how they have been taught. Our students responses provide valuable feedback to professors and administrators on both the content of the courses and performance of the instructor. Course evaluations at Palm Beach State are completed through Watermark Course Evaluations and Surveys, which integrates with Canvas to provide students with a near-seamless course evaluation experience. Even if the class does not use Canvas, students get email notices and reminders with direct links to their surveys.

Below are some additional resources designed to help students, faculty and administrators navigate both Watermark CES and the legacy Student Assessment of Courses and Faculty:


Resources for students

How to take a student assessment


Watermark CES resources for faculty and administrators

Quick Start Guide for PBSC Faculty and Administrators - Step-by-step instructions to view Watermark survey results

Watermark Course Evaluations - Quick video tutorial for PBSC faculty

For assistance with reports through Watermark CES (Fall 2023 and later), PBSC faculty can contact


Pre-Watermark resources for faculty

Note: Reports are intended for internal use only. They are managed through PowerBI and access may need to be requested to view information.


Pre-Watermark resources for department chairs and administrators

Note: Reports are intended for internal use only. They are managed through PowerBI and access may need to be requested to view information.


Student assessment forms

General form - questions asked in all classes

Supplemental questions used in Natural Science labs and Health Science/EMS labs and clinicals

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