Biotechnology Student Success Stories
Shakayla Williams
"Being a student in the Biotechnology program has granted me with skills that I use everyday while I am working at my clinic. At my workplace we are required to perform duties such as; aseptic technique, sample/specimen collection, and use of technology programs like MS office. I am lucky to have attained this knowledge from the Biotech program before I started my job because it helped me become a stronger person in my work field.
This program has allowed myself and other students to break out of our shells with interactions between one another. We were all allowed to choose a lab partner to discuss our work with, but at the end of the day the whole class worked together as a team. Team building is crucial when working in any science field as it provides structure and reassurance.
The Biotech program has opened my eyes to many aspects in the science field, while doing my studies at Palm Beach State College I have learned that this program can be applied to just about anything, whether it's chemistry, biology, nursing, or performing simple activities in our everyday life's. You will not be limited to one procedure while taking up this course, there's so many interesting experiments you can do day by day and it helps to determine the career that best suits you.
On July 22nd I was brought into the hospital due to a previous car accident I had been involved in. I was told that I had received a subarachnoid hemorrhage or what we all know as a brain aneurysm, I was well aware of these terms, the doctors brought back memories to a previous project I did in the Biotech program several years ago. I remember asking myself how ironic is that? I am thankful that this program gave us information like this. It is hard to decipher technical terms that doctors use to speak with their patient's, but luckily I did have some insight on my condition and I knew some of the procedures and treatments that were used for this problem. Knowing that, we went along with what we felt was the better surgery to perform on me and less invasive."
Russell Carter
"My experience with the Biotechnology Program at Palm Beach State has been amazing. I’ve learned so much in such a short period of time: from basic pipetting skills, to performing SDS-PAGE on fish muscle protein. I also learned skills not related to science, but that are important for success in life, such as how to write a proper resume and how to sell my skills and experience.
The staff has been great, as have my fellow biotechnology students. The internship opportunity offered was also great. During my internship I not only got to use the skills learned in the program, but also learned new skills and industry parlance. I know that what I’ve learned in this program will take me far in life and help me accomplish my goals in academia and the biotechnology industry."
Fernando Ramirez
Angela Florio
Juan Luis Ortiz
"The Biotechnology Program at PBSC helped me to have a better understanding of the concept of experiments. I learned how to write a report with the background information, why we are conducting the research and, after completion, how to interpret the data or results from the analysis.
In the summer of 2019 the program helped me get into Scripps Research Institution as a chemist for Carroll's Lab (chemistry laboratory), where I synthesis chemical compounds that will turn on fluorescence probe in the cells. With the help of Liquid chromatography mass-spectroscopy to help me to monitor the reaction for completion and purifying with column chromatography."
Fabiana Torres
Fabiana Torres graduated from Palm Beach State College in December 2011. Fabiana completed her internship at Scripps Florida, under Dr. Jun-Li Luo, Department of Cancer Biology. Fabiana is currently working for Boca Biolistics, a clinical trials management company and provider of biological materials, as a Laboratory Operations Technician. Fabiana has been accepted into the Nova Southeastern University’s College of Pharmacy, and participated in the NSU COP “White Coat Ceremony” on August 17, 2016. Fabiana is now a Student Pharmacist, Class of 2020!
For more information: Boca Biolistics website
Cara C. Morris, Esq., General Counsel at Sancilio & Company, Inc.
"Just over two years ago, while a partner at a commercial litigation law firm, I began collaboration on a book that focused on scientific developments and the law. As the project developed, it sparked my interest in science, particularly in the areas of biology and chemistry. The project and my desire to be more fluent in the subject matter, lead me to take classes at Palm Beach State College. For the next two years I immersed myself in classes on biotechnology, biology, chemistry, microbiology, botany, anatomy. The experience was challenging and rewarding. The professors at PBSC were engaging and supportive and took an interest in my success both inside and outside the classroom. The Science & Technology Guidebook for Lawyers was published by the American Bar Association earlier this year. The coursework established a foundation for the book and secured my credibility as a co-author on the project. PBSC also provided information and networking opportunities for jobs in science and identified local employers. My coursework and the opportunities provided by PBSC, lead to a significant career change. Today, two years later, I am General Counsel at Sancilio & Company,a biopharmaceutical company located in Riviera Beach, FL."
For more information: Sancilio & Company website