SQL Reporting Tool Instructions
Login User Name/Password
- When you click on a report link, a login pop-up box will appear (see FIG 1.0)
- Enter your full email address (i.e. joej@palmbeachstate.edu) in the User name field
- Enter your email/network/PantherNet password in the Password field
- Click Ok button to log in and open/view the report.
FIG 1.0 Login Pop-up box
Report Parameters
- Some SQL reports may allow users to select parameter value(s) from a drop down list or by entering parameter value(s) to filter/refine the report data (see FIG 2.0 and 3.0)
- Some Report outputs can be filtered by using wildcard characters - which, in this tool, is the Percent character %. For an example, if a free form range allows input (rather than a drop down list)
and you wanted all student activity accounts (which we know start with Org Numbers
251), you could enter for State Org 251% and then a Qual1 of % and Location of %. This would provide an output for all student activity accounts for the college as
a whole. If you wanted Lake Worth related then substitute 10 for the Location and only Lake Worth will output - with the same parameters restricted
to location 10 (see FIG 3.0)
FIG 2.0 Select Parameter value from Drop Down List
FIG 3.0 Enter Parameter value
Expand/Collapse Report
- Some reports are summarized (or collapsed) and can be ‘expanded' to detail or rolled back up - look for "+" signs or "-" signs, or Expand All ? Yes or No (See FIG 4.0).
FIG 4.0 Expand/Collapse Report
Find Text in a Report
- Find feature can help you locate a search term (word, number, partial phrase, etc.) - especially helpful if an item you're looking for is on a different page of output than you are viewing (see FIG 5.0).
FIG 5.0 Find/Search Term
Export Reports
- After a report is viewed, you can export it to different formats provided - Excel, PDF, Word, etc. Select the format type from the Export drop down menu (see FIG 6.0).
FIG 6.0 Export a Report