IEECE Newsletter
April 2021 • Issue 21
IEECE Embarks on a Journey of Mindfulness
In January, IEECE staff commenced the eight-week Mindfulness and Mindfulness-Based Stressed Reduction training under the guidance of local expert Dr. Gus Castellanos. The MBSR program provides tools to build moment-by-moment awareness of one’s thoughts, feelings and surrounding environment. Learn more
What You Need to Know about Mindfulness
In this video, mindfulness expert Dr. Gus Castellanos introduces mindfulness and the benefits of practicing mindfulness for self-care.
Congratulations to Lisette Zapata, lead teacher at the YMCA of Boca Raton and SEEK Scholarship recipient, on earning an Associate in Science degree in Early Childhood Education from Palm Beach State College this semester.
The Early Childhood Education Bulletin is produced by the Institute of Excellence in Early Care and Education.
If you would like to contribute to this newsletter, submit your news/photos to
Director: Dr. Grace Kolbe Editor: Dr. Janell Carroll -
August 2021 • Issue 22
Director and Assistant Director Retire from IEECE
Director Dr. Grace Kolbe and assistant director Darcy Russo retired from IEECE this summer. Read more
What You Need to Know About Our Micro-credentialing Initiative
Watch this video to learn about our micro-credentialing initiative. Micro-credentialing is a digital badging system that visually shows identified education pathways that move students forward to achieving proficiency in employability skills.
Visit this website for more info -!
Congratulations to Becky Slack, early learning trainer at IEECE, on receiving Palm Beach State College’s Spot Award.
Becky is committed to ensuring the success of her students, the training department and the entire IEECE, using her creativity, innovation and problem-solving skills. Thank you for all that you do!
The Early Childhood Education Bulletin is produced by the
Institute of Excellence in Early Care and Education.
If you would like to contribute to this newsletter, submit your news/photos to
Director: Monica Walley Editor: Dr. Janell Carroll