Challenge Exams
Certain courses within the curriculum offered at Palm Beach State College are eligible for earned credit or clock hours through a challenge examination. If the student achieves a passing score on the examination, credit or clock hours will be awarded to the student's transcript.
Initiator: Student
Process: Student pays the fee associated with the Challenge Exam, prior to taking the exam (See NOTE below for fee exceptions). The Challenge Exams are only administered at the Lake Worth Campus Testing Center. The Testing Center scores the Challenge Exam based on the key provided by the department that developed the exam. The student will take the test results to the appropriate department faculty member. The department faculty member will complete the Challenge Exam form and forward it to the Registrar's office for transcript processing.
* The CGS1100 Challenge Exam
- Administered by Professor Tommy Martin on the Lake Worth campus in TC 406.
- CGS1100 Challenge Exam Schedule.
* The Challenge Exam for OTA0100
- Administered in the Lake Worth Testing Center CT 115.
- Contact the Lake Worth Testing Center at 561-868-3012 (option 5) for information about the exam and its administration.
Palm Beach State Office(s) Responsible for Processing: Palm Beach State Testing Center, faculty member/instructor who develops the Challenge Exam and completes the exam process.
PBSC Testing Center Information: The Challenge Exams are administered at the Lake Worth Campus Testing Center on a walk-in basis - Monday through Thursday between the hours of 8:00am and 3:00pm. No appointment is necessary.
Fee: $50.00 (See NOTE below for exceptions)
Eligibility: Any student is eligible to take a Challenge Exam.
Proviso(s): Student can only take each challenge examination associated with a specific course
Current Challenge Exams
- CGS1100 - Microcomputer Applications
- HSC0003 - Health Care Concepts (CCP)
- HSC2100 - Health Concepts and Strategies
- HSC2531 - Medical Terminology
- NUR1023/1023L/1022L - Sufficient score on National League for Nursing ACE 1 exam
- OTA0100 - Introduction to Keyboarding/Word Processing (CCP)
- PRN 0022 - Body Structure and Function (CCP)
NOTE: The Career Pathways CHOICE Website has information about the reduced Challenge Exam fee for Palm Beach County High School graduates who qualify for specific challenge exams.
Additional information
Please visit the Testing Center website or email the designated person listed above.