Career Pathway Agreements
Palm Beach State College and the School District of Palm Beach County (SDPBC) maintain Career Pathway Articulation Agreements between:
- High School Career Programs and Palm Beach State CCP Programs
- Specific Subject Area courses and Palm Beach State AS degree credit courses
Students & Parents-What You Need to Start the Process
- CTE Manual at the SDPBC Choice and Career Options Website to see High School Career Pathway Program Sheets (Be sure to work with the school counselors and CTE Coordinators at your high school)
- The current Career Pathway articulation agreement on the SDPBC site or the Palm Beach State site
- Go to the Palm Beach State Career Pathway CHOICE page when you are ready to begin the process.
College Faculty and High School CTE Coordinators
- Go to the Career Pathway Resource Page to see assessment process and the forms to issue to students for required challenge exams and portfolio reviews.
- To add programs to the Career Pathways Articulation Agreement, fill in the first two pages of the attached Articulation Agreement Procedure Form and return to Dr. Jeraline Johnson at SDPBC or Clarisse May at Palm Beach State.