Recognizing donors and their contributions to students
(From L to R, PBSC VP, Institutional Advancement & Foundation Executive Director, David Rutherford; PBSC President Ava L. Parker; PBSC Foundation Chair Emeritus, George Gentile and PBSC Foundation Board of Directors Chair, Ricky Wade)
English author John Bunyan proclaimed in the seventeenth century that "you have not lived until you do something for someone who can never repay you." While our students may repay us simply by virtue of their achievements, they often do not know who to thank for their ability to pursue higher education and their dreams for tomorrow.
On May 7, the Palm Beach State College Foundation invited those who have contributed to a student's future during the 2018-2019 school year to the Fountains Country Club for an evening of celebration. The event acknowledged donors and the significance of what it means to grant someone an opportunity that may not otherwise be possible. With live music, an interactive presentation from several outstanding engineering students and a chance to socialize with old and new friends, the evening brought a sense of fellowship and Panther pride.
Celebrating Donors Reception Photos 2019