Help with Workday for New Employees
Workday is a cloud-based computer records system that Palm Beach State College uses for its Human Resources, Payroll, and Financial functions. Starting in 2020, PBSC will also use Workday for its student records (all student and faculty functions such as classes, transcripts, and grades are in PantherNet and PantherWeb). Workday is a point and click web-based system that allows easy access to view your payroll information, perform employee functions such as requesting time off, checking in and out (time clock), approving time off for employees, purchasing items from college suppliers, viewing your college budget, and many more features depending upon your role at PBSC.
To help you learn how to use Workday, the College has provided many types of self-help resources:
- Videos and Job Aids - This page has videos, tutorials and job aids on how to do various functions in Workday.
- PBSC Knowledge Base - Search the knowledge base to find answers to your questions.
How do I get started?
Here is a suggested learning path for you to start your Workday training! To view these materials, you will need to sign on using your PBSC userID and password.
- Sign on page to Workday - To sign-on, use your user ID and password you use for email. To protect your information, we have instituted dual-factor authentication - learn more about that here.
- Workday Main Training Page
- Watch this video - Workday Navigation
- View and Print Payslips - Job Aid
- View Faculty Class Overload and Adjunct Class Load - Job Aid
Still have Questions? File a ticket to the PBSC Service Desk.