Escalate Improvement
Continuous improvement. We hear the term frequently and often link it to accreditation.
The reality, however, is that continuous improvement should drive everything we do.
Knowing what the goals are, how they will be achieved, and the degree to which the
goals are met allows individuals and organizations to articulate quality and identify
areas which can be improved. That is the essence of continuous improvement. Palm
Beach State College is committed to continuous improvement by designing opportunities
to measure progress, learn, innovate, and improve in all processes to achieve performance
Why escalate improvement?
When an organization is intentional about continuous improvement, many benefits emerge. Workflows are streamlined. Duplication of efforts is reduced. Resources are maximized. For Palm Beach State College, this translates into better processes, improved outcomes, and greater student success.
How will we do this?
Formal options are available to improve processes related to continuous improvement. You may have heard about practices such as Lean six Sigma or 4DX, and these are being considered. Panther Strong 2023 includes a strategy to escalate improvement, and a cross-functional team is developing best practices that will be shared soon.
How can we help you?
The Office of institutional Research and Effectiveness stands ready to help! Staff members have expertise in the methods, data and analytics, assessment, surveys, review, and other elements required to escalate improvement. Contact us to let us know your needs and how we can help your team improve processes or results.
The current strategic plan has brought with it new innovations and integrated methods to produce visualizations of progress. We call them Scorecards. We are developing Scorecards for all outcomes in Panther Strong 2023 and will expand these Scorecards as the strategic plan moves forward.