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Palm Beach Gardens Library

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Hours of Operation

Monday - Thursday: 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Saturday & Sunday: Closed




Library Learning & Resource Center (LLRC) Building  See Campus Map

Directions from Interstate 95:
Exit at PGA Boulevard. Go east 1.5 miles. Turn right into the main entrance of the campus. Take the first left and
follow the road to the LL Building parking lot. (Copper Lot)
Directions from U.S. Hwy. #1:
Head west on PGA Boulevard 1.1 miles to the main entrance of the campus, on the left. Turn into the entrance and take the first left. Follow the road to the LL Building parking lot. (Copper Lot)
Directions from the Florida Turnpike:
Take the Palm Beach Gardens exit. Turn left on PGA Boulevard. Travel east 3.4 miles. Turn right into the main entrance of the campus. Take the first left and follow the road to the LL Building parking lot. (Copper Lot)



Library Information (561) 207-5800

Library Materials Requests (561) 207-5803
LL 117
Responsible for the purchase of books and other material for the library. Faculty requests are always welcome.

Circulation (561) 207-5800
Books, laptop computers, and calculators are available for loan at our Circulation Desk. Renew, return, and pay for overdue items here.

The LLRC has over 50 computers available for student use. All computers have Internet access, MS Word, PowerPoint, Excel and are networked to a printer.

Instructional Support Center (561) 207-5006
LL 123
The Instructional Support Center provides support and services pursuant to the successful achievement of the college's mission, by providing faculty and staff with copying service and word processing.

Interlibrary Loan (561) 207-5801
If a particular book or article is not available at the LLRC, a copy can be obtained through Interlibrary Loan (ILL). Simply complete an ILL form either in the Library or online. Allow ten days for materials to arrive from other libraries; three to four days from local sources. Items borrowed through Interlibrary loan may be picked up at the Circulation Desk.

Library Orientations & Instruction (561) 207-5801
LL 213
An electronic classroom with 36 computers is available for demonstration and instruction in the use of the library resources. Faculty members may schedule a library orientation for their classes, which can be customized to specific subjects or assignments. Students may also call to schedule an appointment for individualized instruction.

PantherCard Kiosk
In order to print from the computers in the LLRC, funds need to be available on your PantherCard. The PantherCard Kiosk is located on the first floor of the LLRC, and will accept cash and transfer it to your PantherCard.

Printers / Photocopier / Scanner
Black-and-white and color printers are networked to the computers in the library. The charge for printing is 10 cents per page for B/W, and fifty cents per page for color. A photocopier is available for public use, and costs ten cents per page. A scanner is also available for public use, but a flash drive or access to Google Drive or DropBox is needed to save scans. There is no cost for scanning.

Professional Teaching & Learning Center
LL 121
A workroom and conference room are available for faculty use.

Reference (561) 207-5801
Reference librarians are ready to guide you to the many resources held in the library or available on the Internet.

Reserve (561) 207-5800
Professors may place items (articles, notes, books, etc.) on Reserve, but space is limited. Reserve items are shelved by professor's name at the Circulation Desk and may be used according to his or her specifications.

Study Areas
Tables and group study rooms are located throughout the library's first and second floors.  To reserve a group study room, call (561) 207-5800.

Wireless Network Access
Wireless Internet connectivity may be found throughout the library. Registered students may access the Palm Beach State wireless network PAW by using their student ID and PIN. Faculty/staff may access the network by using their Palm Beach State network IDs. Laptop computers are available for a 3-hour loan from the Circulation Desk.

The Library Learning Resource Center (LLRC) strives to provide a safe, friendly, engaging and productive environment for all of its users. In order to be successful in this goal, the library has established the Code of Conduct. All users must respect and follow the policies listed below:

Noise & Disruptive Behavior
Disruptive, hostile, or harassing behavior by users is strictly prohibited. Users who exhibit disruptive or disorderly behavior will be asked to leave the library, and campus security may be notified.

Food & Beverages
Cold snack food and closed container drinks are allowed. No hot food, meals, or salads are permitted

Personal Belongings
Library staff are not responsible for personal belongings or any property left in the library. Any items or belongings found and collected by library staff are returned to campus security. Library staff reserves the right to inspect all bags, purses, brief cases and the like. 

Children under the age of 12 are prohibited from using the library, except with the permission of a faculty member/instructor, supervisor or other College official. For his or her safety, health and welfare, campus security and administration will be notified of any minor who creates a disturbance or appears to be lost and unattended. 

Internet Use
Library computer equipment serves to facilitate access to information for the purposes of teaching, learning, or conducting research. Users are subject to the Acceptable Use Policy.

Cell Phones, Headphones, Mobile Devices & Other Equipment
The use of any equipment (e.g. cell phones, headphones, mobile devices) that disrupts users is prohibited. Cell phones must be placed on vibrate or turned off. Phone conversations must take place outside of the library. The use of cameras and video recording devices requires permission from College administration.

Facilities, Equipment & Materials
Cutting, tearing or defacing materials (e.g. books, magazines, newspapers), and tampering with furniture, computers or other equipment is prohibited. Removing or attempting to remove library materials, equipment, or property without proper checkout or official library authorization is a violation of the Code of Conduct.

Palm Beach State College’s Student Code of Conduct is in effect in the LLRC. Users who violate this Code of Conduct will lose their library usage privileges, will be referred to the Dean of Student Services, or will have an academic hold placed on their account.

Palm Beach State College provides access to computers and the Internet/World Wide Web for purposes directly related to education, in an environment…

  • which is conducive to learning.
  • which is free of illegal or malicious acts.
  • which shows respect for others through proper network etiquette.
It is not acceptable to use the College's computers, or Internet/WWW Access:
  • For any illegal purposes.
  • To transmit information containing harassing, threatening, obscene, discriminatory, indecent, lewd or lascivious material whether by email or other internet resources.
  • To access information containing obscene, indecent, lewd or lascivious material.
  • With a login account assigned to someone else. Forgery or attempted forgery of email messages is prohibited.
  • In such a way as to interfere with or disrupt network users, services or equipment.
  • To transmit any material in violation of any U.S. or state laws or regulations such as Copyright Law including plagiarism.

By using this resource, you agree to comply with the statements above. Failure to comply might result in disciplinary action.

Circulation Desk (561) 207-5800
Check out books, reserve materials, and a variety of resources through your campus Circulation Desk.  

Library Card
Your PantherCard is your library card and allows access to photocopiers and printers.

Loan Periods
Most books may be checked out for 21 days.

Overdue Fines
Late book returns (21 day loans) are charged 10 cents per day.

Reserve Items
Textbooks or materials that have been placed at the reserve desk by an instructor may be checked out for use in the library, usually for a period of 4 hours. Late returns are charged $1 per hour.

Renewing Books
Most books can be renewed twice, unless there is a hold or recall on them. Renewals can be done onsite or online via MyAccount.  Interlibrary loan books must be renewed by the ILL department.

  • Onsite renewals are done at the Circulation Desk.
  • Online renewals are done using MyAccount

The library owns over 40,000 ebook titles that can be accessed via our catalog. A valid PantherCard number and PIN is required to read the full text of ebooks. The PantherCard number is located on the back of the card and begins with 24901. The PIN is your 4 digit birth month and year (MMYY).

Borrowing iPads & Laptops

Contact Information By Department
Departments Phone Number
Administration 561-207-5811
General Library Information 561-207-5800
Circulation 561-207-5800
Instructional Support Center 561-207-5006
Interlibrary Loan 561-207-5801
Reference 561-207-5801
Reserve 561-207-5800


Contact Information for Personnel
Name Title Phone Number  Email
David Pena Library Director 561-207-5810
Michael Bailey Acquisitions 561-207-5803
Amanda Chick Circulation Manager 561-207-5800
Deema Gichi Library Assistant I 561-207-5800
Noora Gichi Client Technology Assistant I 561-207-5815
Lisa Hogan Librarian / Assoc. Professor
Reference / Instruction
Technical Services
Heather Judge Library Assistant I 561-207-5802
Virginia Lynch Instructional Support Asst 561-207-5002
Roseann Melillo Instructional Support Asst 561-207-5004
Alissa Morel Librarian 561-207-5801
Vincent Paone Library Assistant I 561-207-5800
Suzanne Pearce Library Assistant I 561-207-5800
Janet Ramirez Administrative Assistant 561-207-5811
Susan Setterlund Librarian / Professor I
Reference / Instruction
Alia Spencer Librarian / Professor I
Reference / Instruction
Bonnita Underwood Library Technician I 561-207-5813
Jane Walter Library Assistant I 561-207-5800
Bonnie Walton Instructional Support Specialist 561-207-5006
Maizy Wedderburn Librarian 561-207-5801
Mindy White Instructional Support Assistant 561-207-5001

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