Critical Thinking Professional Learning Groups
PLGs may be the missing Link in sustaining quality instruction & assessment. As you immerse yourself in the daily work of challenging your students to think more deeply, consider joining a PLG on your campus.
The PLGs offer a highly participatory forum to investigate critical thinking as it applies to teaching, learning, and serving students. Through their participation, PLG members support each other in developing, implementing, and reworking assignments, assessments, teaching practices, and student services. In particular, membership offers a close-knit network of colleagues who bolster their professional practice by interacting with faculty and staff from different academic disciplines, intellectual perspectives, and professional experience. If you think you could benefit from such a collegial environment, then find out more about the PLG active on your campus by contacting any of the following PLG Facilitators.
PLG Facilitators
Lake Worth
Lyam Christopher: 561-868-3202
Sandra DeMauro: 561-868-3172
Palm Beach Gardens
Andy Plotkin: 561-207-5423
Ted Cascio: 561-207-5425
"Through my participation in the PLG and Summer Institute I was able to revamp an important critical thinking assignment that students continually struggled to successfully complete. Constructive feedback from my colleagues gave me fresh insights into aspects of the project that I could rework, and when I implemented it this past fall--I had an almost 95% success rate in terms of completion AND students understanding the principles that the assignment was reinforcing."
"My group members were able to offer constructive feedback on assignments, which helped me to rethink and revise to create better learning opportunities for my students. I also like the interaction with my colleagues because it allows me to see how others are creating assignments, different methodologies to employ, and critical discussions about issues impacting our student body."
"My PLG group has been an awesome example of collegiality, a place where insights and expertise were shared to benefit each other. Diversity projects were presented, and having the opportunity to critique and and collaborate with each other made us excited about what we could do to continue to grow as teachers beyond the projects being discussed."
*Excerpts taken from the 2016 PLG Participant Survey