Building & Property Access Control
Access to campus buildings and grounds is a privilege extended to students, faculty, staff, and authorized guests (Board Policy 6Hx-18-1.22 as authorized under F.S.S. 1001.64 (34)). The College encourages an open environment with limited constraints to ensure the reasonable protection of all members of the community. Each campus maintains separate operating hours. For questions about the operating hours of a specific campus, contact the Provost’s Office on that campus. Individuals who wish to access buildings or property during non-operating hours or for special events should contact the Provost’s Office.
During non-operating hours, campus buildings are alarmed for intrusion, motion, and fire. Activation of the alarms will cause the response of security, emergency fire, and/or law enforcement personnel. For safety reasons, always contact the security office to notify them of your presence on campus before accessing buildings or offices.