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Crime Prevention & Fire Safety

Palm Beach State College has an excellent record of providing a safe and secure environment for students, personnel and visitors.  Each individual should also take every precaution to be safe.  Lack of vulnerability is the key.

Crime Prevention Tips

  1. Park your vehicle in a well-lit area and have your key in your hand.

  2. Don't Walk Alone. When walking to your car, use the buddy system.

  3. When approaching your car, use the "long view" angle to glance beneath the vehicle; take a few seconds to look around; and before getting in, look in the front and back seats.

  4. Once in your car, lock your doors immediately.

  5. If you are being followed, go to nearest area where there are other people or where you can receive help or call Security.

  6. Don't wait until the next day to report suspicious or dangerous situations - report them immediately.

  7. Be sure to always lock your car.

  8. Don't leave valuable items laying on the seat or floorboard.

  9. If you are in doubt - call campus Security.

Security will provide you with an escort to your car upon request.

Fire Safety Tips (from the State of Florida Fire Marshal)

  1. If fire strikes, get out and stay out. Wherever you are, follow directions or plans and go to the nearest exit.

  2. Install smoke detectors in your home. Be sure to test them once a month and replace batteries in the fall and spring.

  3. Have a fire extinguisher handy in your kitchen, sleeping area, garage, car and boat. Know where the nearest extinguisher is located.

  4. Make a fire escape plan. Draw a basic diagram of your home. Consider various fire scenarios and develop actions for a safe escape. Make special plans for babies and toddlers who can't escape on their own.

  5. Plan two exits from each room in your home. The first exit is usually a door, and second is usually a window. Map out escape routes from all room exits to the outside.

  6. Establish a meeting place outside where everyone in the family will meet. Know where the safe assemble areas on the college are located.

  7. Know the fire emergency phone number is 911.

  8. Practice, practice, practice your fire escape plan with all members of your family twice a year. Pretend some exits are blocked and find your meeting place.

  9. If your clothes catch fire, STOP, DROP, & ROLL! Adults and children should STOP, don't run. DROP to the ground. Cover your eyes and face with your hands. ROLL, ROLL, ROLL your body. Practice this drill.

  10. Crawl low under smoke to reduce smoke inhalation and go to the nearest exit.

  11. Give portable heaters plenty of space and keep drapes, sheets and blankets away. Unplug the heater when you leave the room.

Call Security At: (561) 868-3600



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