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The College will be closed for Spring Break from March 3 - 7, 2025.

Account Creation & Management

  Download a PDF version of the Social Media Policies & Guidelines


Social Media Account Creation

While social media can be an exciting and fast-paced space to be a part of, it should primarily be used in a comprehensive social media marketing strategy on behalf of PBSC.  Before requesting a social media profile on behalf of the College, ask yourself and your supervisor(s) the following questions:

What is the objective of creating a new account and how would the social media presence impact PBSC’s goals?

  • What is going to be different on your requested account than what’s already happening on PBSC’s official social media platforms?
  • What will this new account provide that is not already being addressed by current accounts? Have you attempted to create a social media request through a Team Dynamix Ticket Request?
  • How would your efforts be served by providing content on a regular basis?


 Do I have enough content to maintain an active presence?

  • Successful accounts post content on a regular basis. Can you provide at least 3 months of content? If not, it may be better to submit a Team Dynamix Ticket Request when you have news, information or an event to promote on social media.
  • Each platform has different features that must be paid special attention to. Posting the same content everywhere is not the best, strategic practice for social media engagement.

 Do I/We have enough staff to manage the account(s) on a daily and/or weekly basis?

  • Account managers are responsible for creating content to post and/or scheduling posts on a regular basis. To maintain a successful social media account, you must post every week, if not several times a week. It’s ideal to log in daily to review notifications, comments, messages and see how your posts are performing.
  • All account(s) must have a full-time PBSC employee (not a part-time employee, intern or work study student) who is identified as being the primary manager for content.
  • Do you have a back-up (either PBSC faculty and/or staff) who can post content and access the account?


 How does this new social media account align with PBSC’s goals?

  • Social media accounts created representing PBSC’s brand must have a strategic purpose and goal. If you’re going to reshare the same content as the College’s main accounts, that is a duplication effort that could be put to better use elsewhere.


Account Responsibility

Account Managers

Social media accounts must have at least two responsible persons (PBSC faculty and/or staff members) overseeing the account.  College-wide social media accounts must be created with a e-mail. Student workers can be an account manager if at least one PBSC faculty or staff member also has access to the account.


Account Access & Records

The Digital Media Coordinator will keep a directory of approved accounts, accounts’ log in information and account managers. For security purposes, the Digital Media Coordinator must have access to social media accounts representing the College. Inactive accounts (6 months or longer) will be closed. The Digital Media Coordinator has authority to shut down accounts that are inactive or do not meet branding/style guide requirements.


Lack of Compliance

Account administrator(s) will be notified by the Digital Media Coordinator for lack of compliance with College policies and/or requirements listed in our Social Media Polices & Guidelines. The Digital Media Coordinator will provide account administrator(s) requested changes in writing. It is up to the discretion of the Digital Media Coordinator to make changes to social media accounts representing PBSC, in the best interest of maintaining PBSC’s brand for the College’s social media strategy. Changes include but not limited to: merging accounts, deactivating accounts or removing account administrator(s) who do not comply to changes.


New Account Creation

Fill out the form below to request a PBSC-affiliated social media account. Submitting a form doesn’t guarantee your request is approved. The Digital Media Coordinator will create the account for you; do not create a new account on your own. 


Account Approval

Faculty, staff and/or students may not create any new social media presences representing PBSC without prior written approval from the Office of Communications and Public Affairs (OCPA) department. It is at the discretion of OCPA to approve new accounts. Acceptable requests include accounts focusing on admissions, enrollment, retention, reputation, athletics, student services, engagement, and academic pedagogy.



Social media training is a requirement of obtaining and maintaining a social media account created on behalf of PBSC. Your training will be provided through the Office of Communications and Public Affairs (OCPA). Additional training will be provided as necessary to maintain PBSC branding, marketing strategies and/or keep abreast of social media trends.


Account Access & Records

The Digital Media Coordinator will keep a directory of approved accounts, accounts’ log in information and account managers. For security purposes, the Digital Media Coordinator must have access to social media accounts representing the College. Inactive accounts (6 months or longer) will be closed.


Accounts Created Prior to 2023

If you or another faculty or staff member have already created any social media accounts representing PBSC, you must email the Digital Communications Coordinator for immediate evaluation with the following information:

  • Primary account manager’s first and last name, email, home campus
  • Secondary account manager’s first and last name, email, home campus
  •  If applicable, third account manager’s first and last name, email, home campus
  • Social media account name and platform(s)


Account Appearance

The Digital Media Coordinator has the right to make changes to any official account for the purpose of policy and branding guideline compliance.

Do not use the Shield with full College name. It is reserved for the main PBSC social media channels.


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