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Guidelines for Student Clubs & Organizations

Account Creation


The Office of Communications and Public Affairs (OCPA) does not manage social media accounts for student clubs and organizations. Student clubs and organizations are considered “unofficial” social media pages and should not use the official PBSC branded logos. 



Although OCPA does not oversee day to day posting, understand that your profile and presence on social networks represents the College. Your posts, comments, direct messages and actions reflect the reputation of PBSC. 



Student clubs and organizations’ advisor should act as an administrator on their social media page and/or account. The primary account holder should email the Digital Media Coordinator with the following information:

  • Primary account manager’s first and last name, email, home campus.
  • Secondary account manager’s first and last name, email, home campus.
  • Third account manager, if applicable, and/or work study’s first and last name, email, home campus
  • Social media account name and platform(s).
  • Contact information for the club/organization advisor. Club advisors oversee removing inactive page administrators and are responsible for working with club members to ensure compliance with social media guidelines.
  • The staff/club/organization student leaders. 

Every effort should be made to pass along login information and administrator privileges from one account holder to the next. This reduces confusion as to which club page is the “official” or “correct” account for the club and so that new accounts do not have to be created each academic year.  



We suggest putting a statement in the profile announcing that all postings reflect their own personal or their organization’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of PBSC. It should be made clear – in the about section, disclaimer or other appropriate section – that PBSC’s Office of Communication & Public Affairs does not maintain student clubs and organizations’ social media accounts.

Facebook Disclaimer: We reserve the right to banish anyone who uses inappropriate, profane or vulgar language anywhere on our Facebook fan page. If this occurs, you may be deleted from Palm Beach State's fans list permanently. 

Twitter Disclaimer: Twitter does not require a disclaimer since no one can post to our page; they only “follow” us so that they can receive updates. 

Flickr Disclaimer: Palm Beach Stateʼs purpose on Flickr is to show students, faculty, staff and the community noteworthy events. All Palm Beach State photos posted on Flickr are copyright protected. Copyright infringement of Palm Beach State intellectual property may be prosecuted by law. To request use of any photos, visit Anyone can be invited as a member for our group where you can upload your own photos and use a discussion board, however, Palm Beach State reserves the right to deny any members that represent vulgarity, profanity, or have inappropriate pages and/or comments and/or delete any inappropriate content posted.


Content Guidelines


OCPA will not take over posting responsibilities for your club and/or organization. However, any content published should adhere to any College policies, follow Student Code of Conduct and privacy and copyright laws. Be cautious of taking images, video, and/or text you see on the internet. Strive to post original content. 



Think before you post. Create and save drafts of posts. If you are unsure about posting something or responding to a comment, ask your club advisor for feedback or email the Digital Media Coordinator . You leave a digital footprint every time you choose to publish a post. Even if a post or comment is deleted, there may be a screenshot or cached version elsewhere. Regarding responding to comments and messages, please see Best Practices section.



If College guidelines are violated or disregarded, or if a complaint is made concerning material on a student club and/or organization or social media platform(s), PBSC reserves the right to act for the best interest of College, its faculty, staff, and students, which might include but not limit to suspend organization’s activity. Reference Student Code of Conduct



Social media posts should not contain commercial advertisements or promoting other commercial materials unrelated to PBSC. Content should not promote individual classes. We strive to promote our programs holistically. 



Remember our goal is to bring people to PBSC – in person or virtually through social media. Content should link back to as necessary. We advise you to follow PBSC’s social media accounts and to engage with PBSC’s official accounts.



Don't plagiarize and always cite sources when possible. Give credit to accounts if you take their visual and written content. 

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