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Intramurals at Palm Beach State College are an excellent way to socialize, exercise and learn a new sport. Students participate in intramurals strictly for recreation. A student's ability is not as important as the emphasis on participation, having fun, and socializing.

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What Does Student Activities Intramurals Offer?

Intramural Sports offers Palm Beach State College students the opportunity to participate in sports on a recreational level. Leagues are available in a wide variety of indoor and outdoor sports year-round, including football, soccer, basketball and running.

Who Can Play in Intramurals?

Anyone who is a currently enrolled student at Palm Beach State College can join an Intramural Sports team.

In order to participate or volunteer, all students must sign up in advance at the Office of Student Activities - SAC Lounge.  The Intramural Coordinator can assist you in determining if all members of your team are eligible. Using players who do not have a current or valid Panthercard Identification will cause you to forfeit all games in which they participated. Teams receiving at least one forfeit during the regular season are not eligible for the playoffs.

No ID, No Play, No Exceptions!

Panther Card Identification checks occur before every Intramural practice. Failure to provide an acceptable form of identification will result in not being allowed to participate in Intramural sports on that day. Absolutely no exceptions will be made.

Assumption of Risks

Participation in Intramural sports carries with it certain inherent risks that cannot be eliminated regardless of the care taken to avoid injuries. The specific risks vary from one activity to another, but the risks range from

  1. minor injuries such as scratches, bruises, and sprains to
  2. major injuries such as eye injury or loss of sight, joint or back injuries, heart attacks, and concussions to
  3. catastrophic injuries including paralysis and death.

Intramural Sports Needs You!

Intramural Sports is looking for participants interested in volunteering in various capacities for the Intramural Sports program. Volunteers may assist the Intramural Sports program as officials, timekeepers, scorekeepers, and/or equipment specialist.

Sportsmanship is encouraged!


ALL intramural participants will abide by the College's Student Code of Conduct as outlined in the Student Handbook.
NO alcohol, drugs or tobacco products are allowed at Intramural Sports sites before, during or after Intramural Sports activities. Intramural Sports staff reserve the right to restrict play or eject anyone suspected of being under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

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