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Matt McMullin Welding Endowed Scholarship

June 2021

Palm Beach State College strives to inspire hope, advance skills and transform lives. No student had embodied this more than Matt McMullin.

The scholarship that bears Matt’s name is meant to inspire others just as a new career in welding had done for him. Compassionate, humble and kind, Matt found Palm Beach State at just the right time. With characteristic enthusiasm, Matt embraced his new path, one that made an extraordinary difference in his life. Although Matt's life was lost much too soon, Matt's parents hope this scholarship will help empower others to find their own passion just as Matt did.

Palm Beach State College strives to inspire hope, advance skills and transform lives. No student had embodied this more than Matt McMullin.

The scholarship that bears Matt’s name is meant to inspire others just as a new career in welding had done for him. Compassionate, humble and kind, Matt found Palm Beach State at just the right time. With characteristic enthusiasm, Matt embraced his new path, one that made an extraordinary difference in his life. Although Matt's life was lost much too soon, Matt's parents hope this scholarship will help empower others to find their own passion just as Matt did.

The College’s welding program was a perfect fit for Matt, often found furthering his skills, logging extra hours and seeking higher certifications. He would put his knowledge and expertise to excellent use with Atlas Signs and Barron Signs, two local companies fortunate to have had Matt representing them. The positive impact that Welding Technology had on Matt’s life is the reason for the Matt McMullin Welding Endowed Scholarship.

Scholarship Criteria

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“Matt would want to help others who are unable to pursue their goals without the help of a scholarship,” says Dawn McMullin, Matt’s mother. “This enables students seeking a better life to get around barriers and move forward.”

The Matt McMullin Welding Endowed Scholarship serves Welding Technology, one of Palm Beach State’s Career Pathways programs, providing rigorous content, challenging academic standards, technical knowledge and skill proficiency for careers in the manufacturing industry. The hope is that Matt’s scholarship goes to those who truly need it, benefiting young students just as welding benefited Matt in positive ways. And with the scholarship’s increased endowment over time, many lives and the community will be better off because of it.

“Matt is rooting for anyone in this program to do good work. That was Matt,” says Gary McMullin, Matt’s father. “He was always for you, and this scholarship reflects not only his experience but also who he was as a person.”

Matt was a true friend to those close to him and even those he didn’t know well. Always good for his word, he invested in himself and believed in others, inspiring two friends to go into the welding program and the manufacturing field.

Matt found tremendous satisfaction in doing any job well, feeling needed and wanting to give what he could. The essence of Matt McMullin is the positive influence he had on anyone who knew him. His scholarship is a perfect way for that influence to continue, inspiring hope for others, advancing skills for students and transforming lives through the same pride and purpose Matt found in his life.

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