Early Childhood Educator Resources
Training & Development
Why You Should Take Trainings With Us
What's in it for you?
- Quality Assured trainers and trainings
- Quality trainings that improve teaching practice that leads to child success
- Foundation for success in credit classes
Trainings will:
- Meet at convenient times
- Provide Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
- Provide the professional development necessary to move you along your chosen career path in early education
- Meet certificate renewal requirements
Training Information
HEO Courses
The Institute of Excellence creates and designs high-quality, outcomes driven non-credit courses that are Palm Beach County Registry Approved and quality assured.
All non-credit courses are developed using the backward design to ensure transfer of learning to the workplace and give opportunities for the early childhood professional to practice new skills in the training.
PBSC Degrees & Certificates
Associate in Science: Child Development and Education
This program is designed for the student who wishes to enter the field of early childhood as an educator/caregiver.
The course content provides the student with a thorough background in all aspects of child development as well as expanding his/her classroom knowledge into a practical hands-on teaching experience in a Montessori Track and a High/Scope Track.
Approved college credit certificate programs include Child Care Center Management,
Infant/Toddler, and Preschool.
Childcare Certificate Training Program
Palm Beach State College Child Care program consists of certification programs.
40 Hr. Childcare Certificate
30 Hr. Family Childcare Certificate
ECPC (Early Childhood Professional Certificate)
FCCPC (Florida Child Care Professional Credential)
Florida School-Age Certification Training Program
The Florida School Age Certification Training program at Palm Beach State College
is a competency-based program for individuals who work with school age children.
The program consists of 40 hr. School Age Certificate and 80 hr. School Age Professional Certificate (SAPC).
FIU Early Childhood Education: Early Childhood Development Track
FIU Online’s bachelor of science in early childhood education is a fully online program
that focuses on learning and development during the early childhood years.
The undergraduate degree addresses the development of the whole child.
You’ll learn about cognitive, language and social/emotional development of young children,
as well as general and early education theory and practices.
Teachstone offers trainings for coaches, teachers and observers that improves the
effectiveness of education by building a bridge between research and classrooms using
the CLASS observation tool.
The Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute at the University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill
The Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute provides information about current
research of issues facing young children and families, resources for teachers and
parents, and free videos and vignettes available online.
Coursera is an education platform that partners with top universities and organizations
worldwide, to offer courses online for anyone to take, for free.
Early Childhood Investigations
Early Childhood Investigations offers free webinars to early childhood educators.
The series is produced by Engagement Strategies, LLC., and presented by leading authors, experts, and leaders.
FAU: Bachelor’s in Early Care and Education
The Bachelor in Early Care and Education (BECE) degree is designed to prepare teachers and
related personnel for employment in the fields of child care and children’s services,
working with young children from birth to age five.
ChildCare Education Institute
ChildCare Education Institute (CCEI) specializes in providing online training and
certificates, child care registry development, and administrative solutions for the
early care and education industry.
As a leading distance training provider in child care, CCEI offers professionals 100+
online child care training courses in English and Spanish to meet licensing, recognition
program, and Head Start requirements.
Penn State Extension: Better Kid Care
Better Kid Care provides professional development to early-care and youth development
professionals to improve the quality of their care and educational practices.
Walden University: Online Education Degrees
Walden University offers a wide variety of online education degree programs that can
help early childhood teachers take their career further while effecting positive change
in the education field.
McCormick Center for Early Childhood Leadership
The McCormick Center for Early Childhood Leadership offers a range of online professional
development opportunities that can help early childhood administrators or leaders
strengthen their leadership skills and drive organizational change.
Erikson Institute
Erikson Institute is an independent institution of higher education that prepares
child development and family service professionals for leadership.
Erikson’s distance learning programs offer the best preparation early childhood teachers can get to teach and care for young children.
Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center (ECLKC)
Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center (ECLKC) is the official online information and resource site for Office of Head Start (OHS).
It provides timely information, learning opportunities, and comprehensive resources to the Head Start and Early Head Start communities and others involved in early childhood education.
Training Initiatives
Best practices in early childhood education are grounded in quality education and trainings. Our commitment to continuous improvement in learning environments has led us to focus on the following research-based initiatives; STEAM, social-emotional learning and ESOL.
STEAM Initiative
Social-Emotional Learning Initiative
ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) Initiative
If you’re an early childhood education professional whose primary language is Spanish and would like to develop your English language skills, watch this video to learn how our ESOL program can help you.