IEECE Laptop Loan Form
Instructions: Please complete the form below to submit a request to borrow an IEECE laptop. Laptop supplies are limited, and completion of this form does not guarantee that a laptop will be available for you to borrow. Only current SEEK scholarship recipients and currently enrolled students with a paid schedule may borrow a laptop.
Terms and Conditions of Use
I. Student’s Responsibilities:
- Student must be a current SEEK scholarship recipient and in good standing with SEEK scholarship (no suspension or terminated status).
- Student must be an active Palm Beach State College (PBSC) student. Florida International University (FIU), Florida Atlantic University (FAU) or community-based training students must also be an active PBSC student with PBSC logon credentials (PBSC username and password) to access and use PBSC computer equipment. Student must be enrolled with a paid/current class schedule and present a valid student ID card and a second form of photo identification.
- All PBSC policies, procedures, and applicable federal and state laws must be followed. Student must understand that any violation could result in loss of use of the laptop and/or result in a student conduct proceeding.
- Use the laptop for educational, non-commercial purposes only. Student is responsible for all use of the laptop while in Student’s possession. Misuse or inappropriate use as determined by PBSC personnel may result in loss of use of the laptop and/or student conduct proceedings.
- Do not remove or alter any PBSC laptop label or serial ID.
- Do not attempt to make any repairs or take any steps to tamper with the laptop’s internal components.
- Do not install or utilize any software in connection with the student’s use of the laptop other than software owned or made available by PBSC to the student.
- Never leave the laptop unattended while it is checked out.
- Store all files on a personal storage device or cloud prior to returning the laptop. All files will be permanently deleted when the laptop is returned.
- The student must verify that they have collected all components for checkout before leaving the Reservation Desk at IEECE.
- The student must verify all components for return before arriving to the Reservation Desk at IEECE. The laptop must be returned in the same physical condition and working order as when loaned.
- If the laptop is lost, stolen or damaged, Students must immediately contact the Campus Security Office at 561-868-3600.
- In the event the laptop equipment is lost, stolen or damaged while in student’s possession, student will be responsible for the replacement costs or repair thereof. The determination as to whether the laptop must be replaced or repaired is at PBSC’s sole discretion. Replacement or repair costs, in addition to any late fees, will be sent to the Cashier’s Office for collection and may prevent the student from registering for classes, obtaining final grade or completion, diploma/transcripts, and/or graduating until paid in full, including SEEK suspension.
- Return the laptop to the IEECE on or before the last day of the semester in which you borrowed the laptop. A $10.00 per day late fee will accrue each calendar day thereafter.
II. Indemnification and Waiver of Liability:
Student agrees to indemnify PBSC against any claim occurring during or resulting from the student’s possession or use of the laptop including, but not limited to, any claim for infringement or violation of applicable trademarks and copyrights attributable to the student’s use of the laptop.
PBSC is not responsible for any computer or electronic viruses that may be transferred to or from the student’s data storage medium. Student agrees to use their best efforts to assure the laptop is not damaged or rendered inoperable by any such electronic virus while in the student’s possession. Additionally, PBSC is not responsible for damage to external drives or any other devices plugged into the laptop.
III. Privacy:
Since the use of the laptop is intended for educational purposes, student shall not have any expectation of privacy in any use of the laptop. Monitoring/recording may occur at any time without prior notice for any legal purposes including, but not limited to, record retention and distribution and/or investigation of improper, illegal, or prohibited activity. Student should be aware that, in most instances, their use of the laptop (such as web searches and emails) cannot be erased or deleted. All passwords created for or used on any laptop are the sole property of PBSC. The creation or use of a password by student on the laptop does not create a reasonable expectation of privacy.
I understand that I am responsible for the safe and timely return of the loaner laptop to Palm Beach State College. I acknowledge that I have read and understand the Terms and Conditions of Use above. If damages or late fees are incurred, I understand that I am responsible for all charges as applicable. I also understand that intentional vandalism will result in being charged up to the full replacement cost of the laptop, plus applicable fees. Applicable charges and fees will be sent to the Cashier’s Office for collection and may prevent the Student from registering for classes, obtaining diploma/transcripts, and/or graduating until paid in full.