Quality Learning For Quality Teaching Practices
The IEECE’s digital badging system visually shows identified education pathways that move students forward to achieving proficiency in employability skills necessary for all teaching professionals in the field.
The pathways are comprised of trainings/noncredit college courses that enhance classroom teacher employability skills. These skills are valued by employers because they support the creation of quality learning environments. They are valued by parents because they ensure supportive teacher and child interactions that encourage cognitive, social, and emotional development. And they are valued by teachers who can transport their professional development achievements wherever their careers might take them.
In recognition of successful learning, there is financial recognition awarded for each badge on a pathway and again when the pathway is completed and the micro-credential is achieved!
Here’s how micro-credentialing works –
- A badge is awarded when a student successfully completes a set of grouped trainings
(noncredit courses) within a specific pathway.
- There are 12 pathways:
- Decision-Making
- Awareness and Balance
- Lesson Planning
- Problem-Solving
- Developing Self-Regulation
- Leadership Reflection
- Creativity
- Observation and Feedback
- Cultivating Belonging
- Classroom Assessment
- There are 12 pathways:
- A micro-credential is awarded after the accumulation of badges within a specific pathway
and the completion of a portfolio associated with the specified micro-credential pathway.
- A financial recognition is awarded to eligible students after successful completion
of each badge and micro-credential pathway. Eligibility criteria includes being an
early childhood professional and working at least 20 hours per week in an early childhood
program in Palm Beach County that receives some form of public funding/subsidy
- Financial recognition is given three times per year, at the end of each semester
The Micro-credentialing program operates under Badgr, a digital credential network that allows students to create an account and track their progress on the pathways.
Micro-credentialing Pathways
This pathway provides foundational knowledge and skills for essentialism, time management,
data informed decisions and marketing.
This pathway provides knowledge and understanding of how to live a stress-free life
using mindfulness practices and other healthy exercises. Knowledge and skills will
also be taught to help children with their daily life stresses.
This pathway provides foundational knowledge and strategies in lesson planning for
the areas of STEAM, language, literacy, writing, science and social-emotional.
This pathway provides foundational problem-solving knowledge and skills for behavior
management and STEAM.
This pathway provides foundational knowledge and strategies in creating safety, creating
connections and building executive function.
This pathway provides foundational knowledge and skills in reflecting on self, children
and the environment.
This pathway provides foundational knowledge and strategies for practitioners to be
creative when designing learning opportunities that allow children to express themselves
and be creative.
This pathway provides foundational knowledge and strategies for leaders in observing
staff and providing feedback, as well as establishing a culture of coaching and mentoring
to provide a quality learning experience for children.
This pathway provides foundational knowledge and skills in adapting lessons to incorporate
language, literacy, science and mathematics skills during centers and other parts
of the daily schedule to meet children's needs.
This pathway provides foundational knowledge and skills in academic English. Learners
will practice written and oral communication abilities through activities with authentic
application in the early childhood classroom.
This pathway provides knowledge and skills in children’s social identity development, creating a culture of equity, and building equitable relationships.
This pathway provides the knowledge and strategies to understand and complete the
foundations of the CLASS observation tool and incorporate these findings into the
preschool classroom.
Learn how to access and use Badgr for micro-credentialing, in this step-by-step video.