Academic Program Prioritization
Academic Program Prioritization is a holistic analysis of the College’s portfolio of programs. This strategic review process assures quality and alignment with community needs, shapes decisions for allocation of resources, and positions the College to best meet challenges facing Higher Education in the future.
Academic Program Prioritization
- Brings greater institutional focus and clarity
- Examines effectiveness of the use of resources
- Uses structured assessment & program review data for all programs that consume or generate resources
- Identifies programs to be strengthened
- Determines how to reduce expenses & increase revenues
- Examines effectiveness of the use of institutional resources
- Increases accountability
- Is an integral part of the college’s strategic planning
- Ensures alignment of program offerings to institutional mission and goals
Academic Program Prioritization vs. Annual Program Reviews
An holistic analysis of all programs to inform college-wide decisions on resource allocations and to improve efficiencies
for mission and goals alignment.
A formative evaluation focusing on improvements for individual programs.
Evaluates how well program meets established objectives/benchmarks.
Academic Program Prioritization Council
Palm Beach State College formed its Academic Program Prioritization Council (APPC) in October of 2020 to complete a comprehensive evaluation and prioritization of all academic programs. The APPC membership represents a broad cross section of the academic community.
Guiding Principles
PBSC Academic Program Prioritization process will
- be fair, transparent, and objective
- rely on data
- be an integral part of the college’s strategic planning
- involve broad participation from faculty and administrators
- treat all programs equally, and
- serve to meet the educational needs of our students and community now and in the immediate future