Program Resources
Resources for program use in completing the Academic Program Prioritization process:
- Sample Program Prioritization Council Questionnaire Electrical Power Technology AS Program
- Sample Revenue & Expenditure data set Electrical Power Technology AS Program
- Evaluation Rubric - for APPC use
Revenue & Expenditure Data Sets by Classification Areas (ICS Code)
The revenue and expenditure data sets were made available by PBSC’s Office of Finance and Administration. Please scroll down to the data set by Classification Areas (ICS Code) which your program fits in and use it to answer questions (f) and (g) of Criterion 7 in the questionnaire. The data sets on pages 2-39 of this PDF document cover a three-years span (2017-18; 2018-18; and 2019-20).
Scroll down to find your program by classification area-ICS Code in alphabetical order.
SAMPLE: This sample depicts the data for the baccalaureate-level Health Professions by the ICS Code.
Financial Data Glossary
- Total Revenue = total income generated from normal college operations. The gross income figure from which costs are subtracted to determine net income.
- Total Direct Instructional Cost = includes all (personnel, current, and capital) expenditures for the purpose of instruction (cost center level; what most people across the college see day to day)
- Total Allocated Instructional Cost = Other cost centers for academic support functions allocated ‘up’ (familiar costs include library, academic management, open labs, Inst. Computing svc, curriculum devl, etc)
- Total College-wide Support Cost = Other Student service and overhead back office type costs allocated ‘up’ (some by student FTE some by Empl FTE; familiar costs are financial aid svc, student records, admin, plant OPS/Maintenance/Utilities etc.).
- Total Instructional Cost = Total Direct Instructional Cost + Total Allocated Instructional Cost + Total College-wide Support Cost
- Revenue Loss = Total Revenue - Total Instructional Cost
- Total FTE= Total Credit Hours / 30
Note: The essence is that all of the operating costs are all considered and allocated ‘up’ to direct instructional functions based on students, employees, or space. PBSC uses the state’s recommendation and their provided formulations from the statewide cost analysis basis.
Academic Program Prioritization Council Reviews
- AS, BAS, BS & CCP Programs: The APPC will follow these steps for AS, BAS, and CCP Programs
- Associate in Arts Program: The APPC will utilize the college data sets to conduct its prioritizing work on all AA courses by prefix.
Academic Program Prioritization Categories
For APPC use in categorizing academic programs (including AS, BAS, AA courses with prefixes, and Clock Hour Programs) based on responses submitted by each program and data used as supporting evidence.
Category | Description |
Priority for Enhancement |
Consider for Enhancement |
Sustain |
Transform |
Further Review |
Program Prioritization Forum
An information session about PBSC's approach to Academic Program Prioritization was held for all Faculty, Deans, Associate Deans and Program Directors.
Click here to watch the recording of the February 26, 2021 meeting.