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Employee Assistance Program

HealthAdvocate - Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

HealthAdvocate Employee Assistance Program is a free benefit to you, our full-time and regular part-time employees and your household family members.

Employees and household members can confidentially address and resolve personal and workplace challenges through the Employee Assistance Program. EAP offers short-term counseling on all aspects of life at no cost to you (up to 3 sessions per issue, unlimited issues), including:

  • Relationship difficulties
  • Emotional/psychological concerns
  • Work or family stress and anxiety
  • Alcohol and drug abuse
  • Legal or financial topics
  • Depression
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Free initial 30-minute telephone conversation with an attorney. If additional consultation needed, referral provided to an attorney at a 25% discount off the attorney's hourly rate.
You can receive legal and financial guidance from qualified professional, including a free initial consultation for each issue (Legal issues beyond initial consults are provided at a reduced rate). 
You’re a person who puts in a lot of hours on the job and at home. While you love the idea of personal and professional development, putting yourself first always seems to come last. That’s why your Employee Assistance Program (EAP) offers a quick, cost-free way to grow your mind and talents at least once a month. Live and pre-recorded events are available on almost any life topic. Drop in – you never know when a short lesson can make a long-term difference.

Find a range of resources including childcare, eldercare, adoption and daily living issues.

  • Monthly webinars on various topics
  • Childcare and eldercare searches
  • Public and private school searches
  • Adoption resources
  • Veterinarian and pet care searches

HealthAdvocate Employee Assistance Program

Website at Healthadvocate

Or call 1-888-293-6948,  24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

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