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The College will be closed for Spring Break from March 3 - 7, 2025.

Retirement Planning

Regular full-time and part-time employees must be enrolled in the plan. Florida Retirement System (FRS) members can choose between the Pension Plan or the Investment plan. Both plans require employees to contribute 3% of their gross earnings pre-tax. You cannot change the amount you contribute. Contribution rates are set by the Florida Legislature.

  • Traditional pension benefit based on a formula using salary, years of service, FRS membership class, and age.
  • Participants qualify for a benefit after 8 years of service. Full benefits are payable when reaching full retirement or age as defined by the plan.
  • The State Board of Administration manages the Pension Plan Trust Fund and the plan parameters are set by the Florida Legislature.
  • Retirement benefits are based on contributions made to the investment account and the investment performance of the account overt time.
  • Benefits are payable after one year of service.
  • Participants are responsible for choosing investment funds available within the Investment Plan and managing their account.

In lieu of the Florida Retirement System (FRS), full-time instructors and administrators have the option to participate in the State Community College System Optional Retirement Plan (SCCSORP). Eligible employees may withdraw from FRS and enroll in a tax-sheltered account program with one of the state approved SCCSORP companies. The college and the employee make the contribution to the participating SCCSORP vendor chosen by the employee. There is no vesting requirement. Election to this program is upon full-time employment or within ninety calendar days from beginning in a qualified position.

Contact for plan documents and provisions.

Participating SCCSORP Companies

Corebridge Financial

Grant West 

Voya Financial (formerly ING)

Ryan Tuff

Noah Kahn

MetLife Resources

Ken Suchy



Deferred Retirement Option Program (DROP) allows you to retire under the Florida Retirement System (FRS) Pension Plan without terminating your employment for up to 8 years and earn interest compounded monthly. If an employee reaches normal retirement based upon years of service and wish to participate in DROP, you may complete the paperwork by making an appointment with a member of the Benefits Team no earlier than 6 months before the date you plan to begin participation.

Use the "Create Estimate" tool in your FRS Online account to estimate your retirement benefit and project your DROP accumulation. You can also contact:

Division of Retirement

Telephone (Toll Free): 844-377-1888

Telephone: 850-907-6500


Your participation in DROP does not change your conditions of employment. When your DROP period ends, you must terminate all FRS employment. At that time, you will receive your accumulated DROP benefits and begin receiving your monthly retirement benefit.

While participating in DROP, each full fiscal year a percentage of sick time can be sheltered through the BENCOR Special Pay Plan. Each June 30, the College calculates the amount you are eligible for payout based on your hire date and then applies the following scale: first full fiscal year in DROP = 15%, year 2 = 20%, year 3 = 25%, year 4 = 30%, year 5 = 40%, year 6 = 50%, year 7 = 50% and 100% when you depart the college. Sick leave sheltering only takes place if the amount is in excess of $5,000; if less, your sick time remains available for use. Vacation can also be sheltered through a BENCOR account. If you choose to do so at the beginning of DROP, you will need to use your vacation time during DROP as you cannot be paid out again.

PLEASE NOTE: Monies in BENCOR accounts cannot be withdrawn until you terminate employment with the College. Loans are also not available. The current IRS limit for this type of account is stacked, which means under the Special Pay Plan, $55,000 can be sheltered and an additional amount can be sheltered under a 403(b) account reduced by the amount that you contributed voluntarily in the preceding calendar year.

Participants currently in the Pension Plan's Deferred Retirement Option Program (DROP)can now utilize the free online Financial Engines' Advisor Service. The Advisor Service can create a picture of your current financial situation and help answer common questions about how ready you are for retirement. You can call toll-free at 1-866-446-9377, Option 2, and speak with an Ernst & Young financial planner. Participants who utilized the Advisor Service prior to joining DROP will need to re-enter their financial information in the Advisor Service.

Additional information can be found at the Florida Department of Management Services DROP website or contacting Benefits

Alternate to Social Security (ALTSS)

While you are employed as a Temporary Employee with Palm Beach State College, you will be automatically enrolled in a 403(b) Tax Sheltered Annuity Plan in lieu of participation in Social Security  FICA Alternative Plan. This means that the College will deduct and deposit 7.5% of your gross earnings to an account established in your name with the TIAA-CREF. TIAA-CREF has been selected by the College’s Board of Trustees to administer this 403(b) Alternative to Social Security Program. 

This plan does not allow for matching contributions by the College under provision of the IRS Code 3121(7)(b).

  • Participants are fully and immediately vested in the contribution applied to your contract;
  • Funds can only be withdrawn after all employment ends with the College
    • Withdrawals may be subjected to early withdrawal penalty and ordinary income taxes prior to reaching age sixty-five

All employees, with the exception of students, may participate in the College's 403 (b) and 457 Plans in which the employee contributes pre-tax earnings to an Internal Revenue Code 403(b) plan. There is no vesting requirement, although Internal Revenue Service laws are in place. Additional Plan information can be found on the  403b/457 Summary Plan Information.

First time enrollees must: Contact a participating company below to obtain a prospectus and open an account. Once the account is active, employees must complete a "Change Retirement Savings" event in Workday. Detailed instructions can be found in the Workday Knowledge Base. If you have an existing Lincoln Investment 403b account, elections must be changed through the paper form 403b Salary Reduction Authorization and submitted to payroll for processing.

Participating 403b/457 Companies:

AXA Equitable

Product: Variable and Fixed Annuities


  • Ryan McLain (BR)
    561- 961-9343
  • Mario Basilone
  • Danielle Boccia
  • Carlo Della Mea (LW)
  • Donna Timmerman



403b Plan #56302
457b Plan #87347

Product: No Load Mutual Funds


  • No local contact


Voya Financial

Product: Variable and Fixed Annuities


  • Bert Ritter - Sales Agent
  • Voya Customer Service



MetLife Resources

Product: Fixed Annuity and Mutual Funds


  • Kenneth Suchy


The Legend Group

Product: Mutual Funds


  • Sergio Esteve:
  • Lynn Balch
  • Jessica Lee Kovachik



Product: Variable and Fixed Annuities


  • No local contact

Corebridge Financial

Product: Variable/Fixed Annuities and Mutual Funds


  • Grant D. West
OMNI & TSA Consulting Group, the College's third-party administrator of retirement plans (403b, 457 and ALT SS)  provides the Financial Wellness Center (FWC). The website contains 9 modules that allow participants to watch videos, read educational articles, or utilize planning calculators curated for the specific needs of educators. Center resources are available 24/7 online.  Checkout TSA’s latest newsletter

The Florida Retirement System provides MyFRS Financial Guidance Line toll-free at 1-866-446-9377, a free service to all FRS members. Members have access to unbiased financial planners who can answer all your questions about retirement planning, the FRS retirement plans, and managing your finances. In addition, all FRS members  have access to an easy to use retirement planning solution through their digital advisor service, GuidedChoice, available at  This digital advisor service can be used for your Investment Plan account, as well as any other supplemental retirement accounts you - or your spouse - may have (457, 403b, IRA) to provide a complete view of your retirement savings. You will also find forms, publications, employee workshops and videos to assist you in planning for retirement. 

MyFRS calculators can give participants an idea of how long retirement savings will last based on their retirement savings and inflation adjusted withdrawals.

The College has implemented a special pay plan for employees who are terminating, retiring, or entering into DROP and have at least $5,000 of accumulated sick leave and/or annual leave pay out. With this plan, employees will have the value of their accumulated leave deposited as a pre-tax contribution into a special pay plan up to the current $66,000 limit subject to IRS rules and regulations. Not only will you save in Federal taxes when you leave the college, but you will also avoid the 6.2% Social Security tax and the 1.45% Medicare tax on plan contributions. Employees who do not have $5,000 in terminal leave pay-out will be paid out their leave subject to Federal, Social Security and Medicare taxes.

Once the contribution is made to the Plan, you are immediately 100% vested into a fixed or guaranteed account. At any time, you may self-direct your investment in a choice of 22 accounts. After terminating employment you may also elect to rollover the tax-deferred funds into an IRA or another tax qualifying plan, or  you may immediately withdraw your funds.

Bencor Finance Resources

In order to process a loan, withdrawal, rollover, transfer, Qualified Domestic Relations Order, etc. of voluntary 403(b), 457 or alternative to social security funds (ALT SS), the account holder must obtain the applicable form from their plan provider and then obtain a Certificate of Approval from TSA Consulting Group, the College's third party administrator of retirement plans. TSACG maintains an advanced Web-based Online Distribution System. The system provides employees, financial advisors and investment providers, the ability to obtain an immediate Certificate of Approval and is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. In addition, TSACG representatives are available to assist with transactions for participants unable to use the Online Distribution System. TSACG can be reached at (888) 796-3786.
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