Textbook Information
Textbook Certification
Faculty and instructors need to complete the online Textbook Certification web form for each course they teach.
This Form will allow faculty to attest that all items students are required to purchase are used in class (including all items in a "bundle") and the extent to which a new edition differs significantly and substantively from earlier versions.
- Access the web form at: http://webapps.palmbeachstate.edu/Utilities/TextbookCertification | Video Tutorial
- This web form must be completed for each class the faculty member/instructor teaches every term (Fall, Spring) as part of the textbook review and adoption process. As stated in Board Policy 6Hx-18-2.11, once textbooks are selected, they must be used for at least three years.
Textbook Certification Deadlines:
- FALL: First week of the Fall full session
- SPRING: First week of Spring full session
This does not change the textbook adoption deadlines (see below).
If additional classes are to be taught by the faculty member/instructor as the academic year progresses, faculty/instructors must enter these additional courses in the certification tool as assigned.
If you have any questions, please email Dr. Coleman-Ferrell or Sheila Scott-Lubin.
(Information maintained by Academic Services)
Textbook and Course Material Adoption Deadlines
Fall: April 30
Spring: September 15
Summer: March 1
Textbook/Software Selection
Textbook/Software selection is based on the Textbook Selection Board Policy and individually approved Cluster Textbook Selection Policies.
Three Years or More since Textbook/Software Revision
If a course has not changed its textbook/software in three years or more, the selection
process follows what is outlined by the Palm Beach State Policy on Textbook/Software
Selection and the specific cluster textbook selection policy. Once the textbook is
selected, an update course outline and the cluster minutes approving the selection
are sent to Academic Services and are posted to the online course list.
Less Than Three Years since Textbook/Software Revision
If course textbook/software changes occur within three years of the last selection/revision,
in addition to the cluster selection process, a completed textbook/software adoption
form is submitted to Academic Services along with the cluster minutes and updated
course outlines. These documents are sent to the Dean, Associate Dean, Library Learning
Resource (LLR) Director and Technology Infrastructure Director for electronic approval.
Once these signatures are gathered, the textbook/software adoption form, cluster minutes and revised course outlines are sent to the Vice President
of Academic Affairs (VPAA) for approval. VPAA approval will authorize Academic Services
to post the updated outline and textbook/software on the Palm Beach State College
To view the list of textbooks that are on current order for the College, visit the Follett Web site. There, you will key in "Florida" to select the location. Next, you will select the Palm Beach State location of your course. Finally, you will key in the course number. The course text title and price will be displayed. Computer Resource Management (CRM) provides an online website where faculty can view textbook software evaluations and licensing information. The Computer Resource Manager's at each respective location will keep this page updated, as they test and evaluate textbook software.
(Information maintained by Academic Services)
Textbook Affordability
In accordance with the Higher Education Opportunity Act - 2008, Textbook Affordability 1004.085 F.S.and Florida Administrative Code 6A-14.092 State Board of Education Rule on Textbook Affordability, Palm Beach State College is working actively to reduce the costs of textbooks to students.
The Textbook Affordability Report contains many good strategies for reducing the cost of textbooks.
We work closely with the faculty and our bookstore partner to present cost saving options to students. Additional information regarding affordability can be found on the affordability website.
All required textbooks and course materials can be found inside the course search and within a student's schedule within Workday.
(Information maintained by Bookstore)
Deans/Associate Deans
All Deans (Needs admin access)
- Textbook Certification by Instructor
- Textbook Courses Not Certified by Instructor
- Textbook Certification Updates for Follett
Department Chairs