Student Clubs & Organizations
Cyber Security Alliance (CSA)
Omicron Sigma Sigma Honor Society
Palm Beach State College is a Chapter of Omicron Sigma Sigma, the Academic and Professional Honor Society for Homeland Security, Intelligence, Emergency Management, and all Protective Security Disciplines. The Order of the Sword and Shield is the first and only academic and professional honor society dedicated exclusively to homeland security, intelligence, emergency management, and all protective security disciplines.
The mission of the Society shall be to:
- promote critical thinking, high scholarship and professional development.
- further enhance the ethical standards of the protective security professions.
- cultivate a high order of personal living.
Graduation Regalia for inducted members
In addition to its academic purpose, the Society is strongly committed to helping communities prepare for safety and emergency conditions and sponsors many types of informational events throughout the year. Our motto is ex scientia pax which means "out of knowledge comes peace". As an association which represents homeland security, intelligence, and protective security academic disciplines, this has special meaning. With an ultimate goal of peace and safety for all, the protective security profession must utilize knowledge as a primary tool for the accomplishment of this objective. The Society recognizes this commitment and the dedication of those individuals achieving academic and professional excellence.
For more information contact:
Dr. Theo Owusu
Online Cyber Competitions