Doing Business with Palm Beach State College
Palm Beach State College offers numerous opportunities for suppliers, contractors, and consultants to collaborate and grow. The College is dedicated to fostering business partnerships and creating meaningful connections across various industries.
Supplier Application
Any supplier desiring to conduct business with the College must submit a completed supplier application. Existing suppliers that have changed address, changed business name or changed FEIN must also submit a new vendor application.
- Review the information on this page
- Submit an application by clicking the application link on the right
- To help guide you through the application, download the Supplier Application Instruction Guide
- Review the information on this page
- Small Business vendors should include a copy of their certification
- Vendors outside the United States should complete the IRS W-8 form instead of the W-9
- Supplier Application
- Terms and Conditions, Purchase Order for Commodities and Services
- Tax exemption certificate (Palm Beach State College)
- W-9 form (Palm Beach State College)
- Blank W-9 Form
- Federal Award/Grant Micro-Purchase Self-Certification
Sales Calls & Purchasing Office Hours
Suppliers are welcome to make sales calls but are advised to make an appointment with the Purchasing office prior to arrival. Direct contact with individual departments is not permitted unless prior arrangements have been made with the Purchasing office. Normal office hours are Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. and summer office hours are Monday through Thursday between 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m, closed Fridays.
Financial Obligations/Signatory Authority
Only duly authorized employees are permitted to financially obligate the College, as defined within Palm Beach State College Contract Procedures: President, Vice President of Finance & Administration, Controller and Procurement Director. A valid Purchase Order or P-Card is required prior to receiving any goods or services.
Deliveries are to be made according to the Purchase Order for Commodities and Services Terms and Conditions.
Location maps for the receiving department on each campus can be obtained online.
Invoicing must be made according to the Purchase Order for Commodities and Services Terms and Conditions. After items have been delivered or services have been performed, invoices shall be sent to:
Palm Beach State College
Accounts Payable MS# 59
4200 Congress Avenue
Lake Worth, FL 33461
Accounts Payable Phone: 561-868-3033
Accounts Payable Fax: 561-868-3093
Accounts Payable email:
For Prompt Payment:
- Always include the purchase order number on all invoices.
- Provide clear description of goods or services-mirror the purchase order description.
- Include Federal Employer Identification Number (aka Tax I.D. number).
- Do not include Florida sales tax; PBSC's tax exemption number is 85-8016364267C-6. Download the College's tax exemption certificate.
Questions regarding invoices? Call the Accounts Payable Coordinator at 561-868-3033.
Bidding Process
The formal sealed bid or proposal process is used to purchase commodities and services with a value of $65,000 or more. Solicitations are prepared that include terms, conditions, specifications, and instructions for bidding. All documents, whether attached or incorporated by reference, are part of the solicitation package. Suppliers are encouraged to read all instructions carefully. Failure to properly complete all bid forms and comply with all instructions may result in disqualification of the bid. Proposals or bids that are not signed, late or missing required documentation will be automatically deemed non-responsive.
All questions and correspondence regarding active proposals/bids must be in writing and directed to the Purchasing Department. Phone calls or faxed questions cannot be accepted.
The College reserves the right to reject all proposals/bids or parts of thereof when such rejection is in the best interest of the College. The right is reserved to award all proposals/bids on an item-by-item basis or aggregate basis, whichever is deemed in the best interest of the College. The College further reserves the right to reject all solicitations and not make an award, and may choose to cancel a solicitation or conduct a rebid. The College will not make an award to a person or firm that is currently debarred. These rights and restrictions apply to all purchases regardless of dollar value.
Current bid opportunities can be found online on DemandStar and the Competitive Solicitations page.
Emergency Procurement
The Procurement Director is authorized, up to the amount specified in Section 287.017, Florida Statutes, for Category Five and in accordance with Palm Beach College Board of Trustees Policies 1.31 and 4.11, to waive solicitation requirements in emergencies when there is an imminent threat to students, employees, or public safety, or to prevent damage to the facilities caused by unexpected circumstances, or to ensure continuity of operations.
Code of Ethics
The Palm Beach State College Purchasing Department believes, and it is a condition of its membership in the National Institute of Government Purchasing (NIGP), that the following ethical principles should govern the conduct of every person employed by a public sector procurement or materials management organization:
- Seeks or accepts a position as head or employee only when fully in accord with the
professional principles applicable thereto, and when confident of possessing the qualifications
to serve under those principles to the advantage of the employing organization.
- Believes in the dignity and worth of the services rendered by the organization and
the societal responsibilities assumed as a trusted public servant.
- Is governed by the highest ideals of honor and integrity in all public and personal
relationships in order to merit the respect and inspire the confidence of the organization
and the public being served.
- Believes that personal aggrandizement or personal profit obtained through misuse of
public or personal relationships is dishonest and not tolerable.
- Identifies and eliminates participation of any individual in operational situations
where a conflict of interest may be involved.
- Believes that members of the Institute and its staff should at no time or under any
circumstances accept directly or indirectly, gifts, gratuities, or other things of
value from suppliers which might influence or appear to influence purchasing decisions.
- Keeps the governmental organization informed, through appropriate channels, on problems
and progress of applicable operations by emphasizing the importance of the facts.
- Resists encroachment on control of personnel in order to preserve integrity as a professional
- Handles all personnel matters on a merit basis. Politics, religion, ethnicity, gender
and age carry no weight in personnel administration in the agency being directed or
- Seeks or dispenses no personal favors. Handles each administrative problem objectively
and emphatically without discrimination.
- Subscribes to and supports the professional aims and objectives of NIGP - The Institute for Public Procurement.