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College Readiness and English for Academic Purposes (EAP)

Welcome to College Readiness at Palm Beach State College. Our department serves students who want to refresh basic skills in Math and English. In addition, we offer courses for students whose primary language is not English. Lastly, the course "Introduction to the College Experience" focuses on acclimating first-time students to the college environment.


  • Developmental Reading and Writing  
  • Developmental Algebra 
  • English for Academic Purposes (EAP)
  • Introduction to the College Experience
  • Personal Development


College Readiness Courses

PBSC provides a complete program for students to build academic skills for success, whether they are entering from high school or are starting or resuming their college career later in life. College readiness courses in reading, English, mathematics, and success skills prepare students for college-level courses.

Any associate degree-seeking student may enroll in these classes; however, they are designed especially for students who need some additional skills to be successful in college-level courses in reading, English, and mathematics. State law prohibits baccalaureate students from enrolling in college readiness courses. Academic advisors work with these students to design a college readiness plan to help them prepare for college-level work.


College Readiness Areas

The College Readiness program is tailored to each student’s needs. There are several options for college readiness in the areas of mathematics, reading and English. For those whose primary language is not English, the program offers English for Academic Purposes courses.

Note: Individual course information for each area can be viewed in PBSC's catalog. View Courses

  • College readiness courses for students whose primary language is English but who need to improve some skills before taking ENC 1101 College Composition. 
  • English for Academic Purposes (EAP) courses for students with limited English proficiency consists of six levels of instruction for students with varying levels of English proficiency.  Students are placed into a course based on the scores on the Accuplacer ESL - English as a Secondary Language (formerly called LOEP). There are three levels of foundations courses that address reading, grammar, speaking and listening skills. These courses combine lecture and lab components to meet the specific needs of non-native English speakers. Academic support is provided through tutoring, audio and video technology, and may include interactive computer software in the Student Learning Center at each campus location, which may also be completed virtually.  View Courses
  • EAP College Readiness and EAP Credit Courses provide instruction in more advanced skills needed for ENC 1101 College Composition and other college-level courses.
  • Other college readiness courses.


College Readiness Support

In addition to the courses, the College offers a complete support network, including academic advising for college readiness students to help in course selection and educational planning.


Success Tip For College Readiness Students

Once the college readiness courses are completed, take the required college-level courses in English (ENC 1101) and mathematics (MAT 1033) as soon as possible to apply the new skills in a college-level course.

EAP Course & Accuplacer ESL Scores

View individual course information in the College Catalog.


Department Chairs

  • Dr. Destiny Keen: Associate Dean, Academic Readiness and Retention
Faculty contact info for those serving as Department Chairs
Name/Email Campus Office Phone Areas
Professor Helena Zacharis Boca Raton HT 403 561-862-4714 EAP, College Readiness
Dr. Jonathan "Marc" Davis Boca Raton BT 216-3 561-862-4369 Intro to the College Experience
Professor Lauran McCallister Boca Raton BT 218 561-862-4480 College Readiness, Math
Professor Monica Hamlin Lake Worth BA 103 561-868-3945 Intro to College Experience 
Dr. Pamela Mason-Egan  Lake Worth TC 117 561-868-4223  Intro to College Experience 
Dr. Sophia Munro  lake Worth BA 305 561-868-3423 EAP

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