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Planning a Successful Information Session

Strategies & tips to fill those seats!

Prospective students are faced with one of the most important decisions they will ever make—choosing a college and a career.

That’s why information sessions are such an effective tool for turning prospective students into enrolled students. A well-planned information session is your best chance to influence these highly motivated people who want to learn about your program.

This guide is designed to assist you in planning and marketing your information sessions. In
other words, it will help you fill seats!

We hope you find the guide useful, and as always, your feedback is welcome.


Get Started

Set Goals: While your top goal may be to boost enrollment, consider what other goals are important. Through these face-to-face events, you can make sure that prospective students understand the application process, program requirements and deadlines. Information sessions also allow you to gather valuable feedback. 

Plan Ahead: We recommend planning at least six weeks in advance of your information session. The more time you have to get the word out, the better chance you have of filling seats! 

Scheduling: Allot at least one hour for your session and consider going as long as 1.5 to 2 hours depending on your agenda. How long does it take to present the program and, if applicable, conduct a tour of your facilities? Also allow time for people to sign in (and provide their contact info so you can follow-up) and ask questions. 

Date: Pick a date far enough from your program’s application deadline to give people time to apply. Midweek is better than a Monday or Friday. Think about scheduling more than one information session per term, perhaps one session a month.  

Time of Day: Consider late afternoon or early evening so that working people can attend. 

Place: Book a room on your campus large enough to hold the audience you expect—somewhere between 15-65 people. Choose a space near your program, especially if you want to conduct tours of labs, studios or classrooms. Also, make sure the room has multimedia capabilities to accommodate a computer-based presentation, if you plan to use one. 


Marketing Your Information Session

As soon as you set your information session date/time/place, immediately submit information into Engage so that your session appears on the Events Calendar on the College’s website. This is the first step in publicizing your information sessions. Visit to request Engage access and support information.

Bonus Marketing: Information sessions posted on the events calendar should also be listed on the Information Sessions web page. (Be sure to add the "Information Sessions" category when inputting your event into Engage and posts will automatically feed to web page.) The College advertises this page periodically to boost attendance at all information sessions.

Information Session advertisement can be displayed on TV monitors in various common areas and classrooms throughout the campus. Submit a ticket to the Audio/Visual team at least one week before the session. 

The College's official social media pages include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Flickr, LinkedIn and YouTube. There are also a number of indivdual club and department pages. Visit to access the guidelines and learn more. 

If you would like your event to be considered for social media marketing, submit a ticket

CRM’s templates give you the flexibility to create your own materials and adhere to College graphic identity standards. Use the 8.5”x11” flyer and/or postcard templates. Flyers are great for posting around campus and can be enlarged to poster size.

Once you've designed your flyer, don't forget to get it approved before you begin to post. | Submit your flyer and get approval


Planning the Session

Put your best foot forward at the information session. This is your chance to sell your program. Effective sessions provide the information students need to fully consider your program and apply. Anticipate questions and provide the answers, both in your presentation and handouts. 

Your Presentation

  • Consider developing a presentation that uses PowerPoint slides and/or the College website; it may be useful to show students how to navigate to the various web pages involved in the application process. 
  • Invite academic advisors and faculty to participate in the presentation by speaking about their area of expertise. Successful graduates or business partners also can add a great deal. (Or, get their testimony in the form of a handout.)

Handouts & Giveaways

  • Prepare information packets. The Communications and Public Affairs Office can provide the “Program Choices” pocket folders to hold your handouts. Always include the brochure for your program area. In addition, you can provide a copy of your catalog web pages, easily printed via the printer icon at the top right corner. Also print/copy the Occupational Outlook web pages for your field, or anything else that will help prospects understand the career paths available. You also might create a fact sheet describing how and when to apply, your contact info and any other helpful details. Plus, if your program was recently covered in the News Center, print out the story and make copies to hand out.
  • The Communications and Public Affairs Office has promotional items (pens, bags, etc.) that may be used for student recruitment purposes only. 

All folders, brochures and promotional items can be viewed online before requesting. Please view first to make sure you get what you need. Other items of interest include general brochures like Fast Facts and Choose Your Path. Once you are ready, submit a request.

Other Tips

  • Help attendees take the next step! Leave time for a Q&A and have advisors/staff on hand who can assist individuals after the session is over.
  • Capture attendee contact information for follow-up: Easiest way is a sign-in sheet.
  • Display student work, if applicable.
  • Show off the physical learning environments of your program, highlighting technology, equipment, etc.
  • If you are holding multiple sessions, give attendees a flyer that advertises all sessions (include it in your information packet). Encourage attendees to give the flyer to a friend, post it at their job or otherwise help spread the word. This word-of-mouth advertising could get you more attendees at the next session. 


Send Us Your News

The News Center wants to hear from you! Submit story ideas (and photos) about your upcoming events, achievements, awards, breaking news, and student and alumni successes. 

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