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Create a New Course

There are many reasons new courses are developed: changing degree needs, student interest, or new subject areas.  Creating a new course involves steps to ensure that the new course is in compliance with state and accrediting agencies, meets the standards for inclusion in the College's curriculum, and is appropriate to higher education.

New Course Addition

Step 1:  Cluster Decision & Approval

The first step in the process of creating a new course begins with the cluster and business partnership council (BPC). Once the decision is made to create a new course, and the cluster and BPC (as necessary) approves the initial course development, a faculty member is assigned to start the formal college process of course development and approval. 


Step 2:  Documentation & Submission

Creating a new course requires the completion of the online New Course Form. The New Course Form may be submitted in the College's Watermark Curriculum Management system once all supporting documentation is received.  This includes Cluster minutes and other items as needed to support the request (business partnership minutes, State Framework, accreditor documentation, etc.).  Course development is never done in isolation and course additions may trigger additional curricular actions.  If the new course request impacts any existing course or program at the College, the associated revision requests must also be submitted for the new course request to be considered. 


Step 3:  Approvals & Technical Review

Once the online New Course Form is submitted, the request enters the workflow for Associate Dean, Dean, and other required approvals.  The submission also undergoes a technical review to resolve any issues which may impact approval, implementation &/or compliance. If necessary, the Deans' Council also examines the curriculum proposal to determine the impact it will have on the college facilities, personnel and budget. Once all issues and approvals are resolved, the new course request is added to the next available agenda of the College-wide Curriculum Committee.


Step 4:  Curriculum Committee Review & VPAA approval

The Curriculum Committee examines the proposal in detail for content, coherence, and any impact to the Course Dictionary, Degree Audit and other courses and programs. The Curriculum Committee makes a recommendation to the Vice-President of Academic Affairs (VPAA) who gives final approval for the curriculum action.  


Step 5:  Implementation

Upon VPAA approval, the College course dictionary, State course inventory (SCNS) and the catalog are updated to go into effect the following Fall term according to the timeline established by College policy. Programs must also update their Pathway Maps to reflect the approved changes.  

Note: All courses offered for CCP or AS credit must be attached to an existing or new program offered at Palm Beach State College.


Substantive Change Policy

No employee of Palm Beach State College will implement any change to a College Program, College Campus, College Campus Offerings, Off-site Location, District Board of Trustees Policy or Program Delivery Method that might create a substantive change without a Substantive Change Review

Pathway Maps & AA Track Development

The College implemented the Guided Pathways model as part of its strategy to promote and increase student success. Guided Pathways is an integrated, highly structured, approach to student success that provides students with clear course-taking plans that support enrollment decisions and prepare students for future success. This also integrates support services in ways that make it easier for students to access help as they navigate each Career Pathway.  Click here for Pathway Map Development Instructions & Guidelines.


Submitting Your Request

The College has implemented an online Curriculum Management System effective August 2022.  Click here for more information about the new Watermark Curriculum Strategy online system. 

Click the button below to begin your submission. 

Watermark Login


If you experience technical difficulties, please contact Academic Services for assistance.

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