Delete Existing Program or Course
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There are many reasons programs or program concentrations are deleted: changing community
needs, outdated offerings, state-wide discipline committee or accrediting agency decisions,
or business partnership council recommendations.
Delete an Existing Course
Deleting an existing course involves steps to ensure that all areas of the College affected by this curriculum action are aware of the ramifications of this action. Course deletion is the removal of a course from the Palm Beach State course offerings.
Removing a course from one program list which is still included in another program list is not a course deletion. Please follow the instructions for Revising an Existing Program instead.
STEP 1: Cluster Decision & Approval
The first step in the process of deleting an existing course begins with the appropriate cluster. The cluster will review needs assessments, college enrollment records and/or state requirements, and decide on curriculum changes involving the deletion of a course. Once the full cluster approves the deletion, a designated cluster member begins the formal process of course deletion.
STEP 2: Documentation & Submission
Deleting a course requires the Delete Course Form submitted through the online curriculum management system (Watermark). Once the form, along with needed support documents (program addition or revision forms, cluster and BPC minutes, or program learning outcomes) is submitted, the proposal will move into the approval workflow.
STEP 3: Technical Review & Curriculum Committee Approval
The proposal is reviewed by Academic Services and prepared to be presented to the Curriculum Committee at the next scheduled meeting. The Curriculum Committee examines the proposal for impact on the Course Dictionary, Degree Audit System and other programs and certificates.
STEP 4: VPAA Approval
If approved by the Curriculum Committee, a recommendation is made to the Vice President of Academic Affairs (VPAA) who gives final approval for the curriculum action.
STEP 5: Implementation
Upon VPAA approval, the College course dictionary, State course inventory (SCNS) and the catalog are updated to go into effect the following Fall term according to the timeline established by College policy.
Programs must also update their Pathway Maps to reflect the approved changes.
Delete an Existing Program
Deleting an existing program or program concentration involves steps to ensure that this curriculum action is adequately justified and that all areas of the College affected by the closure are aware of its ramifications.
Deletion of an existing program or program concentration requires approval by the VPAA, Deans' Council, President's Cabinet, President, Palm Beach State Board of Trustees and SACSCOC approval of Teach Out Plan(s) prior to implementation.
STEP 1: Program Termination Initiation
Programs must first initiate the College's Program Termination Procedure outlined in the Academic Management Manual Section G. Once this has been initiated, the program may proceed with the curriculum action proposal to delete the program from the College.
Note: The College's Program Termination form is now integrated in the new Watermark Delete Program Form.
STEP 2: Initiate Curriculum Submission
Cluster Decision & Approval
The curriculum change process of deleting an existing program or program concentration then continues with the cluster. The cluster will review needs assessments, college enrollment records and/or state requirements, and outline program changes it deems necessary. Once the full cluster approves the deletion, a designated cluster member will begin the formal curriculum process to delete the program or program concentration.
STEP 3: Documentation & Submission
For a complete program deletion, a Delete Program Form is submitted through the online curriculum management system (Watermark). Once the form is completed with necessary supporting documentation (cluster minutes, business partnership council minutes, or course deletion forms) it will be submitted and enter the approval workflow.
STEP 4: Review & Deans’ Council Approval
Next, the proposal is reviewed and sent to Palm Beach State Academic Deans' Council. In the case of a deleted program, Deans' Council examines the justification for the deletion and the impact on the College offerings and resources.
STEP 5: President’s Cabinet & DBOT Approval
If the Deans' Council approves the proposal, the topic of the program deletion is put on the President's Cabinet for discussion and recommendation to the Palm Beach State Board of Trustees. President's Cabinet approval of this action initiates the creation of a Board Packet by the VPAA office for presentation to the Board of Trustees. Once the Palm Beach State Board of Trustees approves the proposal, the College catalog text is revised for next edition.
STEP 6: Curriculum Committee Notification
Next, the Curriculum Committee is notified by the VPAA of the decision of the Board of Trustees as an FYI and the time frame for completion of the deletion of the program is established. The originator of this curriculum action proposal is notified by Academic Services when the Board of Trustees ratifies the program deletion.
STEP 3: Documentation & Submission
For a program concentration deletion, a Delete Program Form is submitted through the online curriculum management system (Watermark). Once the form is completed with necessary supporting documentation (cluster minutes, business partnership council minutes, or course deletion forms) it will be submitted and enter the approval workflow.
STEP 4: Review & Approvals
Academic Services will review the proposal and send to the Deans’ Council. Then, the Deans' Council approves the concept of deleting the program concentration considering the impact on the remaining program or program concentrations and students currently enrolled in the program concentration scheduled for deletion.
STEP 5: Curriculum Committee Approval
After Deans’ Council Approval, the Curriculum Committee reviews and recommends the revisions to the remainder of the program to accommodate the deleted concentration. Therefore, for this curriculum action, both Delete Program Form and Change Program Form are completed. The originator attends the next Curriculum Committee meeting to answer any questions about the proposal.
STEP 6: VPAA Approval
If approved, the Curriculum Committee recommends this proposal to the VPAA, who makes the final approval of the curriculum action.
Substantive Change Policy
No Employee of Palm Beach State College will implement any change to a College Program, College Campus, College Campus Offering, Off-site Location, District Board of Trustees Policy or Program Delivery Method that might create a substantive change without a Substantive Change Review.
Pathway Maps & AA Track Development
The College implemented the Guided Pathways model as part of its strategy to promote and increase student success. Guided Pathways is an integrated, highly structured, approach to student success that provides students with clear course-taking plans that support enrollment decisions and prepare students for future success. This also integrates support services in ways that make it easier for students to access help as they navigate each Career Pathway. Click here for Pathway Map Development Instructions & Guidelines.
Submitting Your Request
The College has implemented an online Curriculum Management System effective August 2022. Click here for more information about the new Watermark Curriculum Strategy online system.
Click the button below to begin your submission.
If you experience technical difficulties, please contact Academic Services.
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- Student Writing Rubric (pdf)