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Create a New Program

Creating a new program involves steps to ensure that the new program is an appropriate addition to the College's curriculum. New programs/program tracks are developed in response to emerging disciplines, technological innovations, evolving content and community training needs.

A New Program Proposal involves multiple stages of review for viability of the prospective program, its impact to existing programs and services, its alignment with institutional mission and strategic goals,  compliance reporting requirements as well as the curriculum.  

The approval and implementation timeline for new programs can vary significantly from one to three years depending on the levels of approval required for the particular proposal.  

STAGE 1 - Program Proposal

STEP 1 – Cluster Decision & Approval
The first step in the process of creating a new program or program concentration begins with the discipline cluster (and the business partnership as appropriate).  When the cluster decides that a new program or program concentration is warranted in the discipline, a faculty member is assigned to begin the formal process of program development and approval. 

STEP 2 – Documentation & Submission 
The cluster completes the New Program Form in the college's online Watermark curriculum system with the information needed to evaluate the proposed addition to the college's offerings.  This includes details of the program development timeline, the job market for this training, college readiness to support the program, budgetary impact, projected enrollment of the program as well as the proposed curriculum.

STEP 3 - Dean's Council, President’s Cabinet & DBOT Approvals
Once the proposal is approved by the Associate Dean, Dean and VPAA, the proposal is reviewed by the Dean's Council.  Upon their approval, the President's Cabinet evaluates the proposal for demand and feasibility including the impact it will have on the college facilities, personnel, academic resources and budget.  

If approved the proposal is transmitted to the District Board of Trustees.  All new programs require DBOT approval before they can be reviewed by the College's Curriculum Committee. 

STEP 4 – FLDOE Submission & Approval*
Bachelor degree proposals and AS, CCC & CCP proposals for new state frameworks require approval from the State Board of Education before the program can be implemented at the college.  See additional requirements for these options below.  

STEP 5 – SACSCOC Substantive Change Submission & Approval*   All new program proposals are reviewed by the college for federal and accreditation compliance to determine if a new program constitutes a substantive change to the college's offerings. 

*New program proposals may require additional approvals before the program can be implemented at the college. 

STAGE 2 - Curriculum Approval

Step 6 - Curriculum Committee Submission 
Once the proposal is approved by the DBOT (and the state if required), the cluster finalizes the curriculum submission in Watermark by including:

The Curriculum Committee examines the submission for content, cohesion, appropriateness and its impact on the Course Dictionary, Degree Audit and other programs and certificates. If approved, the Curriculum Committee makes a recommendation to the Vice-President of Academic Affairs (VPAA) who gives final approval for the curriculum action.   

New programs go into effect the following Fall once fully approved.  

Associate of Science degree programs or certificates identified through the program review process can be proposed as new programs for the state.  New is defined as a program offering that does not exist in the state program inventory.

This proposal process includes additional steps and state-level approvals.  Academic Services can assist the cluster to facilitate the process and ensure the proposal is complete.  This process can take up to a year to complete.

STEPS 1-3 - Complete the STAGE 1 Program Proposal process outlined above.  If the new program or certificate proposal is approved by the Palm Beach State College DBOT, a proposal for the new state program can be submitted to the Florida Department of Education Workforce Development office for authorization and inclusion in the state program inventory.  

STEP 4 - Florida Department of Education Workforce Development Submission

This is an external approval process and requires additional forms available on the FLDOE's CTE Program Resources website.  

A.  New Program Proposal  -The following forms and documents are required for the state submission:

  • FLDOE New Program Request Form -Much of the information submitted with the College's new program proposal is required by the FLDOE however additional information is required to support the creation of a new state offering.  Documentation  includes justification, demand, occupational outlook, program resources, personnel and program and course information. 
  • Curriculum Framework Template – This form is used to provide details of the program and the learning outcomes.  The Florida Standards & Benchmarks Design Guide available on the CTE Program Resources website provides detailed information for completing the Framework Templates.

B. Submission - Submit a complete proposal package to the PBSC Curriculum Coordinator.  Academic Services submits the completed proposal to the Florida Department of Education Workforce Development Office.  

Note there are 2 postsecondary new program request windows:

  • November 1 – for requests intending to enroll new students in the fall term of the following academic year or any term thereafter.  These new program requests would be sent to the State Board of Education for approval in early spring.
  • June 1 – for requests intending to enroll new students in the spring or summer term of the following academic year or any term thereafter.  These new program requests would be sent to the State Board of Education for approval in late summer or early fall.

C.  FLDOE Approval - Once the state approves the proposal, the cluster should proceed with STEP 5 – SACSCOC Substantive Change Submission & Approval (if required) and  STAGE 2 - Curriculum Approval outlined above.  

The Bachelor degree program proposal process includes additional steps and state-level approvals.  Academic Services can assist the cluster to facilitate the process and ensure the proposal is complete.  

STEPS 1-3 - Complete the STAGE 1 Program Proposal process outlined above.  If the new  bachelor program is approved by the Palm Beach State College DBOT, a proposal can be submitted to the Florida Department of Education.  

STEP 4 - Florida Department of Education Baccalaureate Proposal 

This is an external approval process and requires additional forms available on the FLDOE's CTE Program Resources website.  

Much of the information submitted with the College's new program proposal is required by the FLDOE for a new Baccalaureate program however additional information is required.

Please visit the Baccalaureate Approval & Accountability Process website for forms and more information regarding:

• Baccalaureate Proposal Approval Process Flow Chart
• Notice of Intent 
• Baccalaureate Proposal Application 
• Instructions for completing the Demand Table
• Instructions for completing the Estimate of Unmet Table
• Instruction for completing the Supply Table
• Common Prerequisite Manual Request Form

Please note: FLDOE maintains a very strict timeline to which all Florida colleges must adhere when proposing New Baccalaureate Programs.

A. VPAA enters the prospective program in the state's APPRISe System.

B. Notice of Intent submission to the Division of Florida Colleges.  The Notice of Intent process takes 100 days, which includes a comment period for all Florida colleges and universities. 

C. Baccalaureate Proposal submission to the Division of Florida Colleges.  The proposal is reviewed and revisions are submitted if/as needed.  

D.  Division of Florida Colleges submits proposal to the Commissioner of Education for review and recommendation.

E.  If approved by the Commissioner, the proposal is submitted to the State Board of Education (SBOE) for consideration.

F. If approved by the SBOE, the cluster should proceed with STEP 5 – SACSCOC Substantive Change Submission & Approval and STAGE 2 - Curriculum Approval outlined above.   


Submitting Your Request

The College has implemented an online Curriculum Management System effective August 2022.  Click here for more information about the new Watermark Curriculum Strategy online system. 

Click the button below to begin your submission. 

Watermark Login


If you experience technical difficulties, please contact  Academic Services.

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