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Members & Schedules

2024-2025 Curriculum Committee Schedule
Submission Deadline (Curriculum Action request must be submitted by this date to be eligible for inclusion in the meeting agenda) Meeting Date Meeting Time
8/29/2024 9/26/2024 3 p.m.
9/26/2024 10/31/2024 3 p.m.


Submission deadline for new programs for inclusion in the 2025-2026 Catalog

12/05/2024 3 p.m.


Submission deadline for revised programs for inclusion in the 2025-2026 Catalog

1/23/2025 3 p.m.


Submission deadline for new or revised courses for inclusion in the 2025-2026 Catalog

2/20/2025 3 p.m.
2/20/2025 3/27/2025 3 p.m.
3/27/2025 4/24/2025 3 p.m.


Curriculum Meeting Locations

Until otherwise directed, the Curriculum Committee meetings will be held via Microsoft Teams. Members of the college community are welcome to observe the proceedings.  Please contact Academic Services for meeting link.

Curriculum actions will only be posted to a Curriculum Committee agenda once ALL required documents and approvals are received.  


District Board of Trustees (DBOT) review process

  • New and deleted programs must be approved by the DBOT.
  • New programs may not be advertised or offered for enrollment until they have been approved by the DBOT.
  • All DBOT meeting agenda items not submitted by noted deadlines will be moved to the next scheduled Board meeting. 
  • For DBOT items that need approval by a certain date, please submit for the Board's review two (2) meetings before the month the items must be executed. DBOT Meeting Schedule

Deadlines will be strictly enforced and any exceptions must be approved by your manager and presented to President's Cabinet. Please allow adequate time for this approval process.  


Course Fees

All new course fees are reviewed once per year.  New course fees are to be publicly noticed twenty-eight (28) days prior to undergoing DBOT review.  Excluding:  Medical Accident and Liability fees and Corporate and Continuing Education (CCE) fees

  • January - Fee change submission deadline
  • June  - Annual update of tuition and fees (aligned with tuition)
  • Spring Term - New and changed fees become effective


2024-2025 Curriculum Committee Membership
Faculty Members Area (Year) Pathway Campus
Scott Hammond, Chair Computer Science (4) STEM LW
Marcie Pachter, Vice-Chair Speech/Communications (4) Arts, Communication, Design & Humanities LW
Dr. Jade Chung Psychology/Social Sciences (2) Education, Human Services, Social & Behavioral Science LW
Dr. Hersh Chaitin Anatomy & Physiology (2) STEM BR
Dr. Stephen Frishman Speech/Communications (3) Arts, Communication, Design & Humanities BR
Dr. Sabrina Greenwell Education (4) Education, Human Services, Social & Behavioral Science LW
Sean Parr Fire Science (2) Public Safety LW
TBD   Health Sciences  
Timothy Finamore Mathematics (2) STEM BR
Ronald Widdoss Trade & Industry (3) Industry, Manufacturing, Construction & Transportation LW
Gilberto Castaneda Mathematics (4) STEM BG


Administrative Members

  • Julie Sivigny, Dean, Curriculum - District (Non-voting)
  • Teresa Armas, Financial Aid Clock Hour Manager   
  • Santrel Carries, Associate Registrar Senior
  • Jyrece McClendon, Dean - PBG
  • Dr. Kathleen Karran-McCoy, Dean Student Development
  • Sharokina De Mirza, Academic Curriculum Coordinator - (Non-voting) 






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