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The College will be closed for Spring Break from March 3 - 7, 2025.

Pathway Map Development

Development of a new Pathway Map involves steps to ensure that the track is an approved addition to the College's curriculum.  New Pathway Maps will be reviewed for alignment with PBSC mission, goals and strategic plans.  This will be part of the College’s existing Curriculum Review Process (note: addition of AA Track review process is still under development).

Getting Started

How can Academic Communities submit recommendations for Curricular Revisions, Changes to Existing Maps, or Suggestions for New Maps?

All academic-related actions follow the college's current policies and procedures for processing curriculum actionsPathway/Cluster approval is required for initiating new Pathway Maps or revising existing Maps. 


Step 1

All AC Academic Representatives or liaison to the Pathways may present ideas related to curriculum changes including Pathway Maps to the respective career Pathway/Cluster(s) and other key stakeholders for consideration.  

Step 2

Each AC should keep track of each idea related to curriculum changes including Pathway Maps they presented by contacting the specific Pathway/Cluster &/or other key stakeholders.

Step 3

Each AC should confirm with its pathways representative(s) the Pathway/Cluster not only approved the idea, but that the appropriate pathways representative initiates the change following College policies and procedures.

Step 4

The Pathways/Clusters will use the Academic Services Forms associated with the change(s).  Once the requests are received from the Pathways/ Clusters, Academic Services will process the request.  Academic Services will update the ACs of progress and completion of the approved changes.  

Faculty & Staff Resources

Important Considerations for the Development of Pathway Maps

  • Editing Existing Maps   

Current AA, AS, or BAS/BS Pathway Maps can be revised following the steps outlined above.  Contact Academic Services for changes to existing maps.

  • Associate of Science Follow to Finish

The AS maps reflect the approved program sequence.  Follow to Finish maps are designed to be career oriented and prepare students for immediate entry into the workforce.  

  • BAS/BS Maps - (under development)
  • AA Tracks   

Academic units may propose a new AA Track with course selections and sequencing designed to prepare students for transfer to a Bachelor’s program. Courses selected for an AA degree track (regardless of the discipline) should be chosen with the end in mind— PBSC students are expected to successfully complete the AA Track and in doing so meet specific university transfer requirements. Most graduates who do not continue on at PBSC for their bachelor’s degree are expected to transfer to FAU, UCF, and/or FIU. Therefore, each AA degree track needs to include the PBSC and FAU or UCF or FIU’s curriculum requirements.

To that end, in each AA Track:

  • Courses must be sequenced in accordance with specific college/university prerequisite and admission requirements as specified by each transfer University/College (i.e. FAU, FIU, and UCFbe sure to consider PBSC bachelors programs whenever possible).
  • AA tracks should reflect academic advising trends specific to the PBSC student population and adhere to Florida State course transfer guidelines (i.e. some PBSC students are not college ready for math or English courses).
  • The first communications course in an AA track is normally ENC1101.
  • Each track should include a course that meets the Florida State Board of Education Administrative Rule 6A-10.02413, Civic Literacy Competency.
  • Plan for all prerequisites related to the courses in the AA track– utilize the College Catalog’s course listings.

Note the AA Tracks assume that foreign language is satisfied in high school, and that the Foreign Language and Gordon Rules still apply.


Full-Time vs. Part-Time Students:

The AA Track 15 to Finish Plan (full-time) is most applicable to students with appropriate college level placement to enroll in Area I Communications ENC1101 and Area III Mathematics (MGF/MAC). It assumes that foreign language is satisfied in high school and that the Foreign Language and Gordon Rules still apply.

The AA Track Flex to Finish Plan (part time) is perhaps most applicable when meeting the needs of students who may not meet the college level placement to enroll in Area I Communications ENC1101 or Area III Mathematics (MGF/MAC). Adjustment could be made to meet the math requirement and the credit to completion may increase slightly above the 15 To Finish (i.e. MAR 1033 is a 4-credit course instead of 3 credits.


Some Financial Aid Considerations:

  • Full-time is 12 credits or more (Fall/Spring)
  • Part-time is less than 12 (Fall/Spring)
  • Federal Financial Aid will only pay for courses that are required for degree completion
  • Students are auto graduated once all general education (36 credits) and elective credits (24 credits) satisfied—Students will not be graduated with less than 60 credits


Sample Materials Used for Developing an AA TRACK:

Click here to download worksheet:

Submitting Your Request

The College has implemented an online Curriculum Management System effective August 2022.  Click here for more information about the new Watermark Curriculum Strategy online system. 

Click the button below to begin your submission using the AA Track Development Form. 

Watermark Login

If you experience technical difficulties, paper forms will be accepted via email to Academic Services.

Background & History

 The College implemented the Guided Pathways model as part of its strategy to promote and increase student success.  Guided Pathways is an integrated, highly structured, approach to student success that provides students with clear course-taking plans that support enrollment decisions and prepare students for future success. This also integrates support services in ways that make it easier for students to access help as they navigate each Career Pathway.  There are “Four Pillars,” within the Guided Pathways Model that support the development of each Associates in Arts (AA) Track.

 Four Pillars

  1. “Clarify the Path”            —           Create clear curricular pathways to employment and further education
  2. “Enter the Path”              —           Help students choose and enter a program pathway
  3. “Stay on the Path”          —           Help students stay on their path
  4. “Ensure Learning”           —           Ensuring that learning is happening with intentional outcomes

(Adopted from Redesigning America’s Community Colleges: A Clearer Path to Student Success, by Thomas Bailey, Shanna Smith Jaggars and Davis Jenkins, which was published by Harvard University Press in 2015.)

The Pathway Map Development Instructions & Guidelines were developed to assist in planning and creating a new AA Track and corresponding default plan to facilitate student success.  By following the suggested course sequence towards completion, students should be better prepared to transfer to specific institutions and programs.  The full-time or part-time plan will also help to minimize excess courses that might impact students financially.



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