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Loxahatchee Groves Library


Find books, articles, databases and more!



Your Borrower ID is the full 14-digit card number on the back of your PantherCard that starts with 24901.

Your Pin/Password is a 4-digit number that represents your 2-digit birth month and 2-digit year of birth.

So if, for example, you were born in July of 1995, your pin would be 0795.

You may be asked to access the library's resources using a Borrower ID and a Pin/Password.

This is NOT your PantherWeb student information!

 Student Identification


Library at the Loxahatchee Groves Campus

The Library at the Loxahatchee campus shares a space with the Student Learning Center and is located in LGA132. 

Stop by the library to:

  • Get help from a librarian on your research projects including:
    • Finding credible sources
    • Advanced searching strategies to locate what you are actually looking for (and not have to sift through hundreds or thousands of results)
    • Avoid plagiarism!  Meet with a librarian to discuss proper use of sources including citations and paraphrasing/quotes.
    • Navigating the library's vast amount of information resources
    • Refining your topic to begin your search
  • We also have a limited amount of items available for checkout including:
    • Textbooks (in LLRC use only for 3 hours at a time) *Also search Kindle Fires holdings to see if textbook is downloaded
    • Calculators (graphing and scientific available) for semester-long checkout
    • Laptops are available for 4-hour checkout and can be used around campus
    • iPads are available for 2-night checkout
    • Kindle Fires are available for 3-week checkout. 
    • Powerbanks are available to charge iPhone and Android devices.  These are available for 3-hour checkout
    • Occulus Go goggles are available for 3-hour checkout around campus.  These have educational VR apps downloaded for use.
  • Need a book?  Students at the Loxahatchee campus can request books from other campuses or even other Florida colleges.  
    • Search for physical books in our catalog here
    • Search for books downloaded on our kindles here
    • Request a book be added to the library here

Additionally, students at Loxahatchee have full access to the library's electronic resources including: 

  • eBooks
  • Full-text articles
  • Streaming videos
  • Interactive databases


Professors can request a librarian to visit their classes in Loxahatchee to give instruction sessions on how to use library resources.  To request a librarian, fill out the Form at least 1 week in advance.

Research Resources  

Hours of Operation

Monday & Tuesday: Closed

Wednesday & Thursday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. (Onsite as needed)

Friday: 8 a.m. - Noon (Virtual)

Saturday & Sunday: Closed

Contact Info

Address: 15845 Southern Blvd, Loxahatchee Groves, FL 33470
Main Number: 561-790-9013
Loxahatchee Groves LLRC Email

Iris Fiallos-Finstad, Faculty Librarian, Belle Glade and Loxahatchee campuses

Ning Zhang, Part-time Librarian

Therese Erskine,  Part-time Librarian


Need help from a librarian?  Use the chat box below to chat live with a librarian.  This service is available from 10 a.m. to midnight Sunday through Thursday (ET), and from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday and Saturday (ET).  If no one is available, you can also send your question through an email and one of your local librarians will get back to you.

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