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Give Back & Get Involved

The PBSC Alumni Network offers the opportunity for alumni to engage with our college, our community and fellow alumni.

Community Service Projects

Volunteer alongside your fellow alumnus, faculty and staff and members of the Student Alumni Organization. Alumni are invited to participate in the PBSC Day of Service and other community events throughout the year.

Student Mentorship

In partnership with the Career Center and the First Gen Success Club, the Network offers student mentorship which supports and provides encouragement for our students as they face the challenges and opportunities in their education at PBSC.

Alumni can also participate in College is Possible, an annual PBSC student recruitment and informational event.

Social Media Ambassador

Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. Share information about PBSC on your social networks, helping to inform others about the latest College news and activities.

College and Foundation Events

Assisting with events is a great opportunity to meet new people and attend wonderful programs. We welcome alumni to volunteer and assist in College and Foundation events throughout the year.

We also need volunteers for our bi-annual commencement ceremonies to assist in making the day extra special for our newest graduates.

If you are interested in volunteering and participating, please contact Gabrielle Monroe at or by calling 561-868-3727.

The Alumni Advisory Council

The PBSC Alumni Advisory Council works to development and implement strategies that increase meaningful alumni engagement, assist students in achieving educational success, supports College institutional goals and reflect the quality of PBSC throughout the community.

We are seeking members with experience in business and community affairs, passion, creativity, and a desire to serve alumni, our students and our college.

Please contact Gabrielle Monroe at or by calling 561-868-3727.

Together, We Are Panther Strong!

Our Alumni Network members reflect our institution’s quality of education and are evidence of the vital role the college serves in our community.

The Network raises financial support for scholarships, college initiatives that instill a spirit of Panther Pride at PBSC, and programs that allow for expansion of the workforce our community needs.

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