Frequently Asked Questions about Payroll
Below find a list of the most frequently asked questions the payroll department receives. If you do not see an answer to a question you have, please contact us.
Please note: In order to view job aides, you will be asked to log in using your PBSC credentials. All PDFs and videos will open in a new window.
I need to set up my direct deposit. How can I do this?
Payment Elections (direct deposit) is set up in Workday. Click here to view the job aid for setting up payment elections.
I need to view a previous paystub. How do I find this?
In Workday, access the Pay worklet. From there you are able to locate your pay slips and print them. Click here to view the job aid on pay slips.
How do I request Time Off?
All time off requests are entered into Workday. You can view your balance and enter the time off from the Time Off Worklet in Workday. View this Job Aid
How do I check my Time Off Balance?
Visit the pay worklet in Workday and select “View my Balances” you can put in any effective date and you will see your balances. If you have future time off this will be in effect when viewing your balances. Click here for the Job Aid on Viewing your Time Off Balances.
Why does my Sick Time Off look different as of July 1st?
At the beginning of every Fiscal Year (July) a portion of your sick time off is converted back to your paid personal time off to restore the 28 hours for 35 hour employees and 32 hours for 40 hour employees.
If you do not have enough sick time off for the restoration, then you can create a service desk ticket to have it moved over to paid personal when it is needed.
How many hours of Time Off do I accrue each month?
- Full time 40-hour employees accrue 8 hours of vacation and 8 hours of sick each month.
- Full time 35-hour employees accrue 7 hours of vacation and 7 hours of sick each month.
Employees must be in a paid status for most of the month in order to receive their accrual.
For tenure accrual information (greater than 5 years with the college) click here to review the Board of Trustees Annual Vacation Leave for 12-month Full-time Employees
How do I clock in and out for my shift?
All hourly employees must clock in and out for their shift start, their meal, and their shift end. Check in/outs will generate a time block which is populated on the timesheet. Timesheets are what generate your paycheck once they are submitted and approved.
If you are schedule to work during a Holiday College Closure or an Emergency College Closure, you must clock in/out under the correct time codes.
Click here to view the job aid of clocking in and out.
Click here to watch a video about clocking in and out.
I worked over 40 hours, but I am not getting paid overtime.
For hourly employees, any hours worked over 40 hours, that are not due to a Holiday
Closure, are converted to Compensatory time at the hourly conversion of 1.5 hours
For example, 2.00 hours worked over 40.00 will have 3.00 hours added to the compensatory
time off plan.
Salary employees are exempt from overtime.
What is Compensatory Time?
Time that is worked for hourly employees over 40 hours during a regular work week. These hours are converted into Compensatory time and 1.5x the hours worked.
EXAMPLE: 2 hours worked over 40 hours= 3 hours added to compensatory time
The hours are loaded into the Compensatory Time Off that can be used later, within 90 days, or paid out. View this Knowledge Base Article and Job Aids about Comp Time
I have received email notifications about an Unmatched Time Event. What is an unmatched time event and how do I correct it?
Time entries in Workday create a time block. Each block of time must follow with a check in and check out. When one of those punches are missing the system flags the time block as unmatched meaning there is not another time entry to match with it to create the block of worked time. Unmatched time events are located on the Timesheet. Your timekeeper or your manager will need to access the unmatched event and update the correct time.
Managers: Review this Job Aid for updating an employee’s time
What if I have different positions that require me to clock in and out? How do I clock in and out under the right position?
When you clock in there is a position box that populates. You will want to make sure that you select that position if you are working in a secondary position. Your primary position will always populate so it is important that you review the position when you clock in/out. Click here to view the job aid on clocking in/out with multiple position.
Your timesheet will go to all your managers for approval once it is submitted. The manager for that job that you select upon your check in will be responsible for approval.
Are there any policies and procedures for employees who clock in/out?
Yes, the college has a timeclock guideline. Every hourly employee review and signs this document during their onboarding process. Click here to view the Timeclock Guidelines
How do I submit my timesheet?
Timesheets must be submitted at the end of your shift on the last working day of your shift. This is typically Friday for most employees.
Timesheets must be submitted and approved by Tuesday at 12pm.
Click here to view the job aid on submitting your time.
My manager is not available to approve my timesheet. Will I still get paid?
Payroll can approve timesheets in the absence of a manager. A service desk ticket will need to be made for a forced approval. Click here for the Service Desk Ticket System
I am an hourly employee, and I did not receive my paycheck today. What should I do?
Contact your manager to ensure your timesheet was submitted and approved by the payroll deadline.
Reminder: Timesheets must be submitted and approved no later than 12pm every Tuesday.
You can check Workday to see if your timesheet has been approved. Click Here to view the job aid on Viewing Timesheets
If there is an emergency, an Off Cycle payment may be authorized. View Here for the On Demand Payment Process
I am an exempt, salary employee, and I did not receive my paycheck. What should I do?
There are a few factors regarding this issue:
Adjunct Instructor - Refer to your department chair or supervisor to ensure that your classes have been
sent to HR for upload in Workday. Payroll creates payments for what is already loaded
into Workday prior to the pay completion date. Click here for a job aid on how to view my classes and payments in Workday
Extra Duty Days, Department Chair, Overloads - Refer to your supervisor to ensure that your payment information has been sent
successfully to Human Resources. Click here for a job aid on how to view my classes and payments in Workday
On Leave of Absence - Managers should be working with Payroll to ensure that eligible time off is entered
while an employee is on Leave. Click here to contact our Time and Absence Specialist for assistance.
I am missing payment and I have a paper check, no payment elections set up.
If you do not have a payment election, commonly known as Direct Deposit set up you will need to wait 10 business days. If payment has not been received, you should proceed with the following:
Ensure your address is correct in Workday: Click here to view this job aid.
Create a Service Desk ticket and complete the stop payment form with the payroll department. Click here for the Service Desk Ticket System
My payment is not in my bank account.
Verify your payment election in Workday. The Payroll Department will receive notification of funds returned to the college and then repayment will be issued.
As an adjunct, how am I paid?
Adjuncts are paid hourly or salary.
Hourly adjuncts will follow the same guidelines for clocking in and out for their position.
Salary adjuncts have their class load added through their department to HR and then it is loaded in Workday. The payment is referred to as Period Activity Pay. The first paycheck of the semester is withheld due to drop/add timelines. The total amount of the class is then divided up equally to the remaining pay periods in the semester.
EXAMPLE: Total class is $1,000 for FALL semester which runs the end of August through the
end of December. First check is September 15 due to drop/add. There are 10 remaining
pay dates in that semester. $1,000 divided by 10= $100 per paycheck for that class.
As an hourly employee, how am I paid?
Human Resources will work with you on your hourly rate based on your position and qualifications. This rate is added into Workday.
Your time entry for each day you work is generated on your timesheet and produces your paycheck every other Friday.
I am a salary employee, how am I paid?
Human Resources and your department work with you on your salary. There are several instances and variations to salary such as pay grades, classifications, etc. Click here to view the Salary Schedule
Once the salary is updated in Workday, it is calculated and divided down into a pay period gross for each paycheck. Paychecks for salaried employees fall on the 15th and the 31st of the month. These dates may vary if they fall on a weekend date. Click here to view the paycheck dates.
I was supposed to get a stipend, but it is not on my paycheck.
Follow up with your department and HR to ensure that all documents are needed to load the payment. Once it is loaded, Workday will pay the payment as a retro payment on the next following paycheck.
Why are there are no taxes (federal withholding) being deducted from my paycheck?
You will need to view your W4 elections in Workday to ensure that you have selected the appropriate data. Click here to view the job aid on updating your W4 elections.
You can view the IRS Calculator to assist you with knowing how to complete this form.
Refer to the IRS website for the local tax advocacy office or consult a tax specialist to assist you with all your tax election needs.
Payroll can not give any tax advice or advise you on what to complete on your federal tax forms.
Why have some employees received their W2 form and I have not?
Review your Workday to ensure you have completed your electronic authorization for your W2. The electronic version is available before the printed version. Click here to view the job aid for viewing and changing your tax document
Check to make sure your address on file is correct. Click here to view this job aid.
How can I access my W2?
If you have made your electronic election, you can print your W2 directly from Workday. Click here to view this job aid.
Will I get paid for Winter and Spring Break even if I don’t work?
Yes, if you are in paid status 5 days before and 5 days after the Winter Break or Spring Break you will be paid. College closures for Holidays are paid in accordance with your schedule. Click here to read the Board of Trustees Holidays, Spring Break, Winter Break, and Other Paid Non-Duty Days Policy
If you are hourly, you will see the time block on your timesheet notating the holiday.
Will I get paid if I work the Holiday?
Yes. With prior approval employees who work the Holiday College closure and clock in/out during under the correct codes will be paid Holiday College closure pay directly.
What happens if the college must close for an emergency like a Hurricane?
The college, and the payroll department, handles these situations with urgency. If the college announces a formal closure, eligible employees will be paid for their scheduled workdays while the college is closed.
This applies to all campuses, not a single campus unless otherwise directed.
How do I get paid if I work during an Emergency College Closure?
Approved hourly employees who work during an ECC (emergency college closure) are eligible for Emergency College closing pay. Employees must clock in/out under the Emergency college closure time code. Hours are then generated to the paycheck.
Approved salary employees who work during an ECC (emergency college closure) are eligible for emergency college closing pay. They must complete a Request Framework in Workday to initiate payment. This process feeds to the manager and then to the payroll department for processing. Click here for a job aid on requesting Emergency College Closure pay in Workday.
Click here to view the Salary Schedule. This has all the required information for how payment is calculated for college closures.
I did not work my full 35 or 40 hours during a Holiday week. What should I do?
To get paid for your holiday pay employees must be in a paid status for their full 40 or 35 hours. If you have unworked or unpaid time for that week you will need to enter time off to bring your full hours to 40 or 35.
Why didn’t I did not get a full 10 hours of Holiday pay during summer schedule?
Holiday pay only pays 7 hrs. (35 hr. employee) or 8 hrs. (40 hr. employee). To receive the full pay for that summer schedule holiday week you will need to enter the difference as paid time off or flex the time in that current work week to make up the hours. Managers must approve flex time in advance with in the department.
How do I change my 403b contributions?
Employees actively enrolled in a pretax voluntary retirement savings program with one of PBSC designated partners have the option of increasing, decreasing, or terminating their deductions at their convenience. In Workday, employees should complete a “Change Retirement Savings” event. Detailed instructions can be found in the Workday Knowledge Base.
How do I make changes to my W-4? Do I need to increase my withholding?
Employees wishing to make changes to their current W-4 in Workday need to go to “Withholding Elections” under the Pay tab. At the bottom of their current elections select “Update” along with the desired effective date of the change.
Each employee’s tax situation is unique to them and their family members. It is highly recommended that you consult with your tax advisor for your best tax options for the year. As an additional resource employees can refer to the Tax Withholding Estimator on the IRS website.
As a FT employee, when does my benefit deductions start?
Every FT employee is eligible for retirement benefits on date of hire with deductions starting on date of hire as well. All health benefits are effective the first of the month following date of hire with deductions starting the last paycheck of month hired. All other benefit deductions begin on the first payroll following the effective date. I.E. John Doe is a semimonthly employee hired on 6/17, his benefits are effective 7/1. Deductions for health benefits would start on his 6/30 paycheck. While all other benefit deductions would begin on 7/15.
As a PT employee, when does my benefit deductions start?
Every PT employee is eligible for a retirement benefit on date of hire with deductions starting on date of hire. Regular PT employees are also eligible for Basic Life, AD&D, and Employee Assistance on the first of the month following date of hire.
How do I sign up for voluntary deductions such as United Way, AFC, NCBAA and Florida Prepaid?
You will need to create a request in Workday to start this process and elect for these deductions. Please visit the payroll webpage for job aides for each of these instances.
How do I assign or remove security roles for Timekeeper and Absence Partner- Dept?
Managers can add or remove the security roles of Timekeepers and Absence Partner - Dept for workers in their immediate and/or inherited ORG. Please refer to the Add/Remove Security Roles for Timekeepers and Absence Partners - Dept Job Aid for step by step directions on how to manipulate these roles. After you follow the Job Aid and submit your additions, the next screen will tell you about the next step in the business process, which is the payroll approval. Payroll will receive the notification to Approve, Hold, or Deny the request.
- Approval: If employee is already fulfilling these roles and no training is needed.
- Hold: Pending Security Form and Training – additional process needed. You will be contacted by Payroll.
- Deny: Employee should not be granted access.
Once Payroll gives the access the notification will be in the Archive section of the managers inbox notating that the Change Role Assignments has been completed.
How do I approve time for my employees?
Time Off should be approved by the manager of the employee's Full-Time position. If you are not this manager, please do not act on this request in your Workday inbox. The request will disappear when the primary manager completes it. If you are a manager and would like assistance with approving time, please refer to the Approve Time Job Aid or the Review and Approve time for Multiple Workers Job Aid.
Timesheets are filtered into the Inbox once the employee submits their time. Managers can approve the time from the inbox. Managers also can access “Team Time” worklet on Workday. From here, managers can review and approve employee timesheets.
I am unavailable to approve my teams’ timesheets. How can I set up a backup approver?
Delegates can be set up in Workday prior to your absence. Delegates must be a peer or a supervisor in the same organization or your managers organization. You can view the video on how to set up a Delegate here: How to set up a Delegate