CCE - Fire Advanced Training
A variety of topics of interest to fire service professionals are available. In addition to on-campus offerings, classes may also be held off-campus at local emergency services agency facilities. Customized training programs can also be developed for agencies interested in providing training on a specific fire or EMS topic for their personnel.

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This 4 day rope access training is for SPRAT Certification Levels and concluded by 1 day with SPRAT Evaluator. One level taught per course. These courses teach workers how to safely access structures using two-rope systems, as well as advanced techniques of structural progression and rescue.
Course takes place from 0830 – 1600 each day.
FLUSAR Courses (Florida Urban Search & Rescue)
Prerequisite: State certified Firefighter II, Full set of bunker gear and SCBA mask, Air Pack if possible and Bailout Kit if possible
This is a hands-on course involving a variety of survival and rescue techniques with the purpose of increasing situational awareness and enhancing fire-ground survival for victims and firefighters. Course objectives include equipment knowledge, breathing techniques, size-ups (Outside/Inside), TIC work, ladder work, search, packaging, bailouts and air consumption.
Contact hours: 40
This course will include both classroom and field training that will help students understand the safety procedures, regulations, equipment, and techniques that are essential to operating safely at the scene of a confined space emergency.
Contact hours: 24
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Rope Rescue Operations class and completion of Confined Space Operations course.
Confined space rescues can be technically challenging due to the environment in which they occur. This unique program stresses teamwork and covers the responsibility to identify a confined space and be familiar with various regulations, safety procedures, equipment, operations level techniques and personnel necessary to operate at a confined space emergency. Participants who successfully complete this course will receive a FLUSAR certificate for Confined Space Technician Level.
Contact hours: 16
This 40-hour structural collapse course is a competency-based program designed to meet the requirements of NFPA 1670 and is FLUSAR compliant. The hands-on portion will demonstrate how to safely and effectively operate at a collapse site of a wood-framed/concrete block structure. The course will introduce breaching techniques and provide practice using breaching tools and industry-accepted practices. The students will be taught bracing procedures and search techniques in a collapse structure as well as void spaces. Students will also work with building shoring structures to re-support areas in order to work safely to remove victims from a building collapse.
Contact hours: 40
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Structural Collapse Operations
The Structural Collapse Technician course is a competency-based program designed to meet the requirements of NFPA 1670 and is FLUSAR training compliant. The hands-on portion teaches students how to safely and efficiently operate at the collapse site of a wood-framed/concrete block structure and offers practice in breaching, bracing, search of collapse structures and void spaces, construction of shoring and victim removal.
Contact hours: 80
The Rope Rescue Operations course is an intensive, hands-on 40-hour program. This course will introduce the participant to rope rescue techniques used to package and move patients to treatment and transport areas. There is an emphasis on understanding the limitations of the rope rescue equipment. Redundancy of systems and safety will be stressed. Participants who successfully complete this course will receive a FLUSAR certificate for Rope Rescue Operations Level.
Contact hours: 40
Prerequisite: Must meet all Rope Rescue Operations level requirements.
At the completion of this training, the student should be capable of hazard recognition, equipment uses and techniques necessary to operate and supervise a rope rescue incident. Participants who successfully complete this course will receive a FLUSAR certificate for Rope Rescue Technician Level.
Contact hours: 40
This 40-hour course is an intensive hands-on skills development program designed to prepare the fire service professional for the very technical and physically demanding work of removing persons entangled in vehicle wreckage or machinery. Students will utilize a variety of extrication and rescue procedures and tools including hand tools, power hydraulic tools and pneumatic tools. Scene management and stabilization, tool usage and safety are stressed during scenarios and throughout the course.
Contact hours: 40
The 40-hour FLUSAR VMR course is designed to provide the student with the knowledge to satisfy the requirements of NFPA 1670. Upon completion of the course, the student will have knowledge of extrication procedures used to remove a victim from entanglement from a passenger vehicle on its roof and side, along with the procedures to extricate from large commercial vehicles. The student will also be able to remove a victim from machinery entanglement. This is a hands-on course with more than 75% of the student's time spent in the drill field. Full PPE is required with primary and secondary eye protection.
Contact hours: 40
Trench rescues can be technically challenging due to the environment in which they occur. This unique program stresses teamwork and covers the responsibilities to identify soil types and characteristics; types of protective systems; performing a risk/benefit analysis; using an incident management system; monitoring the atmosphere and soil; constructing a protective shielding system with wood shores in a straight trench; constructing a protective system in an intersecting trench; creating safe access points; patient assessment and extrication; preserving evidence for evaluation; dismantling the protective systems; and other safety procedures, equipment, techniques and personnel training necessary to operate at a trench rescue emergency. Trench Rescue Operations is a 24-hour course.
Contact hours: 24
Prerequisites: Successful completion of Trench Rescue Operations and Rope Rescue Operations courses
This 16-hour training program is designed for all emergency response personnel and excavation underground utility workers. This course is the most advanced level of training outlined in the NFPA 1670 and 1006 Standards. The course is designed for emergency rescue personnel responsible for rescue and recovery operations in more complex environments. Students will work in intersecting "T" and "L" trenches as well as trenches greater than 8 feet in depth. This course meets or exceeds the general requirements of NFPA 1670. This is a physical and mentally demanding program that emphasizes scene management, safety and teamwork. Performance of all required practical skills as outlined in NFPA 1006 are necessary in order to receive a certificate.
Contact hours: 16
Candidate Physical Ability Test (CPAT)
The Candidate Physical Ability Test is a minimum requirement for the Fire Academy. The job of a Firefighter is one of the most physically demanding jobs, it requires a high level of cardiopulmonary endurance, muscular strength and muscular endurance. The CPAT consists of eight critical physical tasks that simulate actual job duties on the fire ground. They are: Stair Climb, Hose Drag, Equipment Carry, Ladder Raise & Extension, Forcible Entry, Search, Rescue and Ceiling Breach & Pull.
Driver/Engineer/Pump Operator Courses
This course will teach the student the applicable theoretical and practical hydraulic calculations that will enable them to provide the appropriate fire stream when and where it is needed. The velocity and discharge of water as limited or assisted by friction loss, static water sources, fixed fire protection systems and municipal water systems will be a significant portion of the course.
Contact Hours: 48
Prerequisites: Florida Certified Firefighter I or Firefighter II, successful completion of FFO0280 (Fire Service Hydraulics), and a current non-restricted Florida Driver's License.
This course works with the knowledge provided in the hydraulics course and applies the formulas into the application of operating a fire engine at an emergency scene. Each student will drive the fire engine through a designed course and receive the Emergency Vehicle Operators course during this course. The students will all operate a fire engine and will operate a fire engine with water flowing from the unit. The course also teaches the students appropriate fire ground operations so the students will know how to operate a fire engine as well as the equipment carried on the engine.
Contact hours: 40
Prerequisites: Florida Certified Firefighter I or Firefighter II, successful completion of FFP1301 (Fire Service Hydraulics) and FFP1302 (Fire Apparatus and Equipment), current non-restricted Florida Driver's License.
This 40-hour course is an intensive hands-on skills development program designed to provide the fire service driver/engineer additional skills in preparation for the NFPA1002, Standard for Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator Professional Qualifications; aerial tactics, placement, stabilization, operation, and construction. Upon successful completion, a certificate for Aerial Apparatus Operator will be awarded.
Contact hours: 40
Fire Inspector (non-credit versions)
An introductory course to architectural working drawings and their reading and interpretation.
This course provides the fundamentals of building construction and design, fire protection features and special considerations for fire inspection and suppression personnel.
Course familiarizes inspector students with the Life Safety Code, its purpose, scope and application to the basic classification of occupancy.
This course provides a study of fire inspection practices, including such items as purpose, definition, liability, authority, responsibility, organizational structure, fire courses, fire behavior, flame spread, inspection technique, methods of conducting inspections, occupancy types, fire load, and Fire Prevention Bureau certification.
This course provides a study of private fire protection and detection systems, such as sprinkler and standpipe systems, chemical extinguishing systems, detection systems and devices. Each system is discussed as to its need, construction and preventive maintenance and individual use.
The Fire Inspector ReCertification Program is designed to revisit each of the five segments of the Fire Inspector Certification Program, focusing on the current changes and issues relating to each.
Hazardous Materials Certification
The Chemistry of Hazardous Materials course will focus on the chemistry knowledge required to evaluate the potential hazards and behaviors of materials considered hazardous when spilled or out of their normal container. It examines the reasons for the chemical behavior of hazardous materials and is designed to improve decision making, safety operations and material handling. The course features forms of matter, energy, common substances, chemical formulas/structure, bonding of atoms, molecules, isotopes, chemical reactions, and physical effects of chemical exposure to victims. Particular emphasis is placed on how this knowledge can be effectively used at a Hazardous Materials incident.
This course covers 40 hours of the IAFF 160-hour course to complete the state certification of Hazardous Materials Technician. Contact hours: 40
Note: Of the four 40-hour courses, one does not have to pre-requisite another.
This course covers 40 hours of the IAFF 160-hour course to complete the state certification of Hazardous Materials Technician. Note: Of the four 40-hour courses, one does not have to pre-requisite another. This course provides the second half of the two-part program in bringing a hazardous materials incident safely to conclusion. It concentrates on integrating knowledge about hazardous materials chemistry, storage, transportation, and potential release scenarios with information about local hazardous materials incident plans and response systems. The course is for personnel with hazardous materials response and mitigation functions.
Contact hours: 40
This course provides the final component of the four part (160-hour) Hazardous Materials Technician program. It focuses on bringing a hazardous materials incident safely to conclusion with concentration on integrating knowledge about hazardous materials chemistry, storage, transportation, and potential release scenarios. Students will be taught the use of personal protective equipment, tools, detection devices, decontamination procedures and the use of specialized equipment that will allow them to successfully mitigate a hazardous materials emergency. The course is for personnel who will face hazardous materials response and mitigation functions.
Contact hours: 40
Stand-alone Courses
This course is designed to prepare the student to function as the Instructor-In-Charge or Safety Officer during live fire training exercises. Students will learn to operate safely and effectively in accordance with applicable laws and standards. The curriculum covers NFPA 1403 in detail, NFPA 1402, and parts of NFPA 1500. There is extensive use of case studies and practical exercises to reinforce the lessons learned.
Contact hours: 8
This eight hour class is designed to meet the recertification needs of any State of Florida certified Live Fire Instructor 1 or 2. The course includes an update of the changes to NFPA 1403 found in the 2012 and 2018 edition, a review of State laws pertaining to live fire exercises and a review and discussion of trainee and instructor fatalities in the live fire environment.
Contact hours: 8
Students outcomes include understanding in the differences in emergency vehicles versus passenger vehicles. Students will learn applied physics of stopping distances. This course will also cover the law and responsibilities for the operator regarding safety and what constitutes negligence and the driver's responsibilities on how to arrive safer to a scene. The importance of vehicle maintenance and how to complete a successful pre-inspection will also be addressed. Course includes lecture and hands-on skills training. EVOC is a 16- hour course.
Contact hours: 16