Institute of Excellence in Early Care & Education
We are educators of the early childhood workforce, whose teaching practices will make a difference in the success of children. We are trainers, advisors, educators, and mentors. We are experts in the field of early childhood education.
All courses will be offered via live online or face-to-face and are eligible for micro-credentialing.
Learn about our micro-credentialing initiative.
Adapt Lessons Micro-Credential Pathway
Course in English
Enrich your foundational skills that will help both new teachers and veteran teachers alike be stronger educators. This course covers the foundations of mathematics in preschool: the teacher’s role, the student’s role, preschool mathematics topics, impactful manipulatives, and effective strategies.
Dates: Thursdays, 5/23/2024 – 6/20/2024
Contact Hours: 10
Required Textbooks: None
Curso en español
Enriquezca sus habilidades fundamentales que ayudarán tanto a los profesores nuevos como a los veteranos a ser educadores más sólidos. Este curso cubre los fundamentos de las matemáticas en el preescolar: el rol del maestro, el rol del estudiante, temas de matemáticas preescolares, manipulativos impactantes y estrategias efectivas.
Fechas: Saturdays, 6/1/2024 - 6/29/2024 | Sin clase: 6/8 & 6/22
Horas de contacto: 10
Libros de texto requeridos: None
Awareness and Balance Micro-Credential Pathway
Course in English
When we start to understand our emotions (good or bad), not only do we show more kindness to others, but we also experience more joy. Get in touch with joy by taking this course, which explores emotional intelligence through practices of gratitude, compassion, empathy and journaling. This course also includes adapting these wellness concepts to your classroom at the child's level.
Dates: Thursdays, 5/16/2024 - 6/6/2024
Contact Hours: 10
Required Textbooks: None
Curso en español
Si te sientes estancado por el estrés, este curso puede ayudarte. A través de prácticas de atención plena y actividades de arte expresivo, practicarás fortalecer técnicas de compostura, conectarte al momento presente y ofrecerte autocompasión. También establecerá metas de cuidado personal y llevará un diario de sus pensamientos y sentimientos. Este curso también incluye la adaptación de estos conceptos de bienestar a su salón de clases al nivel del niño.
Fechas: Tuesdays, 5/28/2024 - 6/18/2024
Horas de contacto: 10
Libros de texto requeridos: None
Classroom Assessment for PreK Micro-Credential Pathway
Course in English
Step up your students’ thinking abilities with this training. Get support from the CLASS Observation Tool to promote problem-solving, provide feedback to students to deepen their understanding, and help children develop complex language skills. This training aligns with CLASS Domain Instructional Support.
Dates: Thursdays, 5/16/2024 - 6/6/2024
Contact Hours: 10
Required Textbooks: None
Curso en español
Con esta capacitacion va a mejorar las habilidades del pensamiento de sus estudiantes. Obtenga apoyo de la herramienta de observación CLASS para promover la resolución de problemas, brindar retroalimentación a los estudiantes para profundizar su comprensión y ayudarlos a desarrollar habilidades lingüísticas complejas. Esta capacitación se alinea con el apoyo educativo del dominio CLASS.
Fechas: Thursdays, 7/11/2024 - 8/1/2024
Horas de contacto: 10
Libros de texto requeridos: None
Creativity Micro-Credential Pathway
Curso en español
La naturaleza proporciona la oportunidad perfecta para mezclar arte y ciencia juntos para enseñar sobre la belleza y la exploración de nuestro planeta. Toma este curso si estás interesado en incorporar actividades STEAM relacionadas con el medio ambiente en tu aula.
Fechas: Tuesdays, 5/21/2024 - 6/11/2024
Horas de contacto: 12
Libros de texto requeridos: None
Course in English
In this course, you will explore how to use Provocation, Feedback, Documentation, and Display strategies and materials to enhance children’s interests and engagement in appropriate visual art experiences. You will review the concept of art and learn why it is essential in early childhood classrooms. You will engage in exploring sample drawings and paintings, vignettes of art-related classroom interactions, and exemplar art environments.
Dates: Mondays, 7/8/2024 - 7/22/2024
Contact Hours: 9
Required Textbooks: None
Course in English
Get ready to play! Enroll in this course to take your children’s play materials to the next level. In this course, you will get hands-on experience with manipulatives in language, literacy, social studies, music, and art.
Dates: Wednesdays, 5/15/2024 - 5/22/2024
Contact Hours: 5
Required Textbooks: None
Developing Self-Regulation Micro-credential Pathway
Course in English
Participants will explore ways to problem solve and create solutions with the children in their care using the social-emotional learning skills of positive intent and consequences. The material for this course is based on Dr. Becky Bailey’s book, “Conscious Discipline®: Building Resilient Classrooms.” This course will offer tools and strategies to assist adults in creating ways to build children’s executive function skills that help a child to be able to self-regulate, see from another’s point of view, the ability to pause before acting and choose a helpful response, and setting and achieving goals to be successful in school and life.
Dates: Mondays, 5/20/2024 - 6/24/2024 | No classes on 5/27 & 6/3
* On Hold - If interested, contact your advisor *
Contact Hours: 10
Required Textbooks:
Conscious Discipline: Building Resilient Classrooms
Author: Dr. Becky A. Bailey
Publisher: Loving Guidance, Inc.
ISBN: 978-1-889609-51-1
Curso en español
Los participantes explorarán formas de resolver problemas y crear soluciones con los niños a su cuidado utilizando las habilidades de aprendizaje socioemocional de intención y consecuencias positivas. El material para este curso se basa en el libro de la Dra. Becky Bailey, "Disciplina Consciente: Construyendo aulas resilientes®". Este curso ofrecerá herramientas y estrategias para ayudar a los adultos a crear formas de desarrollar las habilidades de la función ejecutiva de los niños, que ayudan a un niño a poder autorregularse, ver desde el punto de vista de otro, la capacidad de hacer una pausa antes de actuar y elegir una respuesta útil, y establecer y lograr metas para tener éxito en la escuela y la vida.
Fechas: Thursdays, 6/6/2024 - 6/27/2024
* En espera: si está interesado, comuníquese con su asesor *
Horas de contacto: 10
Libros de texto requeridos:
Conscious Discipline: Building Resilient Classrooms
Author: Dr. Becky A. Bailey
Publisher: Loving Guidance, Inc.
ISBN: 978-1-889609-51-1
English Language Acquisition for Adults – Intermediate – Micro-Credential Pathway
Course in English
This is the fourth ESOL training to support students by easing their transition into English for Academic Purposes (EAP) courses. This course builds on the skill practices in Expanding English in ECE 1 and practices quality adjectives, imperative sentences, adverbs of frequency, and comparative and superlative adjectives. Students will also read and discuss articles on early childhood education topics, learn common phrasal verbs, and practice dictating sentences in English. This course supports concepts covered in HEO0272, HEO0282 and HEO0288.
Este es el cuarto entrenamiento de ESOL diseñado para apoyar a los estudiantes con su transición a tomar cursos de inglés para fines académicos (EAP). Este entrenamiento le ayudara a desarrollar más los conocimientos de inglés que aprendió en ECE1. Podrá practicar el uso de adjetivos de cualidad, oraciones imperativas, adverbios de frecuencia y adjetivos comparativos y superlativos. Los estudiantes también leerán y tendrán conversaciones sobre artículos de temas de educación de la primera infancia, aprenderán verbos comunes y practicarán dictado de oraciones en inglés. Este curso apoya conceptos que aprendió en HEO0272, HEO0282 y HEO0288.
Dates: Thursdays, 5/16/2024 - 6/27/2024 | No class on 5/30/2024
* On Hold for Cohort - If interested, contact your advisor. *
Contact Hours: 12
Required Textbooks: None
Problem-Solving Micro-Credential Pathway
Curso en español
Todo comportamiento es una forma de comunicación. Con este curso usted aprenderá a interpretar lo que los niños le están tratando de decir. Usted se sumergirá profundamente en los comportamientos desafiantes, aprenderá a crear un espacio seguro para los niños, identificará adecuadamente los comportamientos de los niños, observará y monitoreara información sobre el comportamiento desafiante y aprenderá en el trayecto otras maneras de manejar el comportamiento de los niños.
Fecha: Tuesdays, 6/4/2024 - 7/2/2024
Horas de contacto: 12
Libros de texto requeridos: None
Course in English
All behavior is a form of communication. Learn to decipher what your children are telling you by taking this course. You will take a deep dive into challenging behavior, learn how to create a safe space for children, properly identify children’s behaviors, observe and track data of challenging behavior, and pick up other behavior management tips along the way.
Dates: Wednesdays, 7/10/2024 - 8/7/2024
Contact Hours: 12
Required Textbooks: None
Course in English
This hands-on STEAM course incorporates math and technology for preschool teachers. This course will develop skills and knowledge that will allow teachers to enhance children’s computational thinking and problem-solving skills that involve steps, directions, and patterns. Teachers will also practice using Bee-Bot, a programmable robot, to encourage beginning coding and higher-order thinking skills!
Dates: Tuesdays, 7/16/2024 - 7/23/2024
Contact Hours: 5
Required Textbooks: None
Course in English
The goal of this course is to assist childcare program directors in implementing trauma-informed
care for the families they serve.
This is a five-session course, which will require the completion of outside assignments
and readings. Upon completion of this course, childcare program directors will form
a community of practice and will be able to:
• Recognize the signs of trauma impacting children
• Examine the importance of self-care
• Apply tools to help children regulate emotions and behaviors
• Evaluate the physical learning environment for trauma-sensitive supports
• Develop a plan for creating a trauma-sensitive program
This course can be used to meet the Florida Credential renewal requirements and can
be used to obtain the Trauma-Informed Care for Child Care Program Director Credential
Contact Hours: 45
Required Textbooks:
Reaching and Teaching Children Exposed
to Trauma by Barbara Sorrels $24.95
DCF’s Trauma Informed Care Participant’s
Guide (LADPac) $23.00
This class is offered in two different sessions.
Dates: Wednesdays, 5/15/2025 – 6/26/2024 | Register for Wednesday classes
Dates: Tuesday, 6/4/2024 - 7/30/2024 | Register for Tuesday classes