Position classification is the formal assignment of a job title, salary grade, and job description that is developed based on the requirements of the position. The components of a position classification include scope of duties and responsibilities, skills and abilities, educational criteria, length of experience, and market pay information.
Compensation Philosophy
Palm Beach State College is committed to a fair, consistent, compliant, flexible, and market competitive classification and compensation system. Our classification and compensation program is designed to attract and retain a highly talented workforce to meet the College's mission and goals; the program supports a changing organization with a competitive and financially sustainable compensation system.
New Position Classification
New positions are approved by the President's Cabinet, the Vice President of Finance and Administration, or through a signed and funded grant award. Grant proposals, applications, or renewals that include new positions that stipulate specific titles or position descriptions not within the salary schedule require approval of the classification department prior to submission.
In order to begin the recruitment and classification process for new positions, submit a Job Analysis Questionnaire and the proposed Organizational Chart via email to After the position has been classified, the Talent Acquisition division will work with the department supervisor on the recruitment process for the vacancy.
Classification Resources
- Activity Dictionary [Network access or remote desktop needed]
- Job Analysis Questionnaire
- Internship Program Document
- Salary Schedule
- Salary Ranges
- Salary and Benefits Calculator [Network access or remote desktop needed]
- Job Analysis Guidelines and Classification Process
A position reclassification occurs when a position has changed such that it no longer is appropriately placed in the wage and salary structure. A change in classification is based on a substantive change in the level of accountability and responsibility. Reclassification is not intended to recognize individual achievement or an increase in work volume.
Request for reclassification are accepted at any time according to the procedures within the Job Analysis and Classification Guidelines. Requests are reviewed in the order they are received, with priority given to requests that could have significant impact on the College budget, mission, or strategic plan.
Position Description Request
Supervisors can access position descriptions for all full-time and part-time staff positions in Workday by following the steps below:
- Type "job profile" in the search bar and select Job Profile Report.
- Type the position title you want to review in the "Job Profile" field and press enter.
- Click the radial button for the position you want to view and then click "OK."
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
The Fair Labor Standards Acts (FLSA) effects most private and public employment. The FLSA requires employers to pay covered non-exempt employees at least the federal minimum wage and overtime pay for all hours worked in excess of 40 in a work week.
To qualify for an exemption from overtime pay, employees must meet certain tests regarding their job duties and be paid on a salary basis at or above the minimum salary threshold. The minimum salary threshold is currently $43,888 per year ($844 per week).