QEP Reports, Teams & Meeting Minutes
With College-wide participation, the QEP focus topic was selected during the 2009-2010 academic year, and the plan was developed during 2010-2011. It was deemed acceptable by an accreditation panel in October 2011, revised slightly in the months that followed, and implemented in January 2012 with some pilot initiatives. Scroll below to read about QEP development.
QEP Reports & Meeting Minutes
Palm Beach State College's accreditation status was reaffirmed by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) in June 2012. Reaffirmation included the acceptance of both the College's Compliance Certificate and Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP). The College prepares an annual report for internal use and, as required for continued accreditation, will submit a 5th-year Impact Report to SACSCOC by 2017. The summary, full QEP document, and reports (as they become available) may be viewed below.
QEP Document (full report as submitted to and accepted by SACSCOC)
Meeting minutes are organized according to the team with most recent minutes first.
QEP Support Committee - Year 5
April 21, 2017
QEP Support Committee - Year 4
April 1, 2016
QEP Leadership Team - Year 3
January 30, 2015
QEP Implementation Team - Pilot semester through Year 2
April 4, 2014
August 23, 2013 (see 9/13)
QEP Advisory Council - Development through Year 2
April 25, 2014
QEP Writing Team - Fall 2010
November 19, 2010
November 19, 2010 (Subcommittee)
November 5, 2010 (Subcommittee)
QEP Development Team - 2009-2010
April 16, 2010
Faculty & Staff QEP Teams
QEP teams have served more than one purpose over time. The College relied initially on development, writing, and implementation teams as well as an advisory council. Currently, there is solely a Support Committee that meetings twice a semester.
QEP Timeline
The full five-year plan with learning outcomes, the assessment plan, and a timeline is available in the QEP Document (full report as submitted to and accepted by SACSCOC).
September 2009 - June 2010: Selecting the topic
A broad-based process between September 2009, and January 2010, resulted in 140 submitted
ideas to improve student learning. These ideas were narrowed down several times within
faculty focus groups, campus forums, and two online polls. We had almost 90% faculty
participation in our initial efforts, followed by over 500 participants in the first
online poll, about 250 participants in the campus forums, and more than 800 participants
in the final online survey. Full-time faculty, adjuncts, staff, administration and
students, as well as alumni and external community members were involved in this process.
The three topics that emerged as the most important to these college constituents
were critical thinking, communication, and placement. Proposals for each topic were
developed and submitted to the Palm Beach State College Executive Leadership Council
(ELC) on April 20, 2010. By consensus, the ELC recommended critical thinking to Dr. Gallon, who made the same recommendation to the District Board of Trustees
(DBOT) in May 2010. DBOT approved the topic in June 2010.
Fall 2010: Developing the plan
The College community provided input regarding a college definition of critical thinking.
With consideration of almost 700 responses, the working definition has been formulated.
For the purpose of developing QEP initiatives, critical thinking is "using the skills needed to explore, evaluate, express and engage in purposeful reasoning
in order to reach sound conclusions, decisions, positions, or solutions." Focus groups were held between September 17th and October 1st to talk about ways
to integrate critical thinking into course work and on campus. More than 100 constituents
participated, contributing 138 ideas for discussion either at a campus group or online.
These ideas were all considered by the QEP Writing Team who drafted a plan for administration
in December, 2010. Thank you to all who contributed to this effort.
Spring-Fall 2011: Revising and marketing the plan
The plan drafted in the fall of 2010 was reviewed by faculty and administration during
the spring term in 2011. While the draft is under review, College constituents were
invited to participate in naming the QEP and creating promotional posters and videos.
A formal name was not selected; poster designs and videos were used in marketing the
QEP to constituents as part of the preparation for the onsite visit and remained available
online for viewing until the spring term in 2012. Honors College students, SGA members,
and many other students participated alongside faculty and staff in promoting the
plan to prepare for the accreditation site visit.
Fall 2011: Submitting the plan
The QEP proposal was submitted to the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) in August 2011. A team of onsite evaluators visited
the College to review the document and discuss the plan with constituents in October
2011. The original plan was accepted, but further revisions were made in February
2012. The revised plan was accepted by SACSCOC in June 2012 when the College's accreditation
status was reaffirmed.
Spring 2012: Implementing the plan
Formal QEP pilots began in the spring semester of 2012 with professional development
workshops and training. Roles began to change as the College now had a written plan
to follow and the emphasis shifted from "developing a QEP" to "focusing on critical
thinking." An annual report will be prepared each year to summarize the activity and
accomplishments, and to formalize recommendations for improvement each year. Reports
will be available online in the Documents section. Implementation will continue until